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Satya - Saturday, November 27, 2004 12:26:17 PM

Could not start or stop MySQL service

The problem is the "my.ini" file which is in the windows directory may be corrupted. Or is there from a previous version.

Here are some notes borrowed from devshed link

1) Used my-small.cnf as a template, changing basedir and datadir to the proper paths, and UNCOMMENT them both.

2) Rename my-small.cnf to my.ini and put it in the WINDOWS folder (not in system32 or any subfolder, just directly in c:\windows).

3) Type NET START mysql from a dos prompt.

Satya - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:00:45 AM

Installing a new release of MySQL

Make sure you stop the service and remove the service followed by removing the existing mysql. Remoce the windows\mysql.ini if it is there. Then uninstall it. Try installing the new one now.

If it fails creating a service, remove the service and add it again.

Satya - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:01:51 AM

How can I install a service?

Use mysqld-nt --install command for installing it and mysqld-nt --remove for removing it

mysqld-nt --help
mysqld-nt --remove
mysqld-nt --install

Satya - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:02:50 AM

How can I add a user?

The user I have specified at installation time does not seem to work. How do I do this?

Satya - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:03:58 AM

How can I import a database dump?

I need step by step instructions in getting this done.

annonymous - Tuesday, December 21, 2004 1:10:57 PM

loading data

satya...the simplest way to load the data is to 1. go into mysql..thru control center or command line 2. run the sql file that i sent... you should have no problem...what i sent is a straight sql file.

Satya - Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:24:04 AM

How can I insert a date into mysql?

In access this is done as now() and in oracel i believe today(). What would be an equivalent in mysql.

Satya - Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:43:08 AM

Now() will work in mysql as well


insert into sometable
values (now())

Satya - Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:44:48 AM

How can I get the newly inserted id in mysql?

After an insert happens the auto increment column would have been incremented. Databases expose this newly created id on the current connection. What is the key word in sql to get this in mysql

Satya - Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:52:49 AM

It is called


select last_insert_id()

Satya - Sunday, January 02, 2005 8:56:47 AM

What are all the data types supported by mysql

The list seems to be


What additional data types are there?

Satya - Sunday, January 02, 2005 8:59:58 AM

How to store or insert the decimal data types using sql

For example the following command will not work

update tablet set col1=10.95

This will put a value of 11 in that field. Looks like we may have to use a conversion function to accomplish this.

satya - Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:04:16 PM

Basics needed to connect to mysql

hostname (localhost)
port number (3306)
username (root)
schema (test)

satya - Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:15:40 PM

How can I create a new schema

create database databasname;

satya - Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:19:58 PM

How to create a table

create table Address (
	addressId varchar(75) not null primary key,
	companyId varchar(75) not null,
	userId varchar(75) not null,
	userName varchar(75) null,
	createDate datetime null,
	modifiedDate datetime null,
	className varchar(75) null,
	classPK varchar(75) null,
	street1 varchar(75) null,
	street2 varchar(75) null,
	street3 varchar(75) null,
	city varchar(75) null,
	zip varchar(75) null,
	regionId varchar(75) null,
	countryId varchar(75) null,
	typeId varchar(75) null,
	mailing tinyint,
	primary_ tinyint

satya - Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:20:56 PM

Here are some more examples

Here are some example scripts

satya - Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:22:36 PM

Mysql documentation

docs on mysql main page

satya - Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:26:41 PM

mysql command line documentation

mysql command line documentation

satya - Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:37:26 PM

How to use command line options

How to use command line options