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1. Opensourced Laszlo

2. An earlier sample project definition using laszlo

Local helper

1. Laszlo explorer


1. David Temkin, CTO of laszlo

2. Oliver Steele, Architect at laszlo

3. Sarah Allen, Laszlo

Utilities/other sites

1. Blogblox

2. IBMs eclipse plugin

Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:42:42 AM

Installation instructions

Installation instructions from the laszlo site

1. Seem to have its own tomcat

2. Seem to require jdk 1.4

Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 10:43:38 AM

How can it co-exist with an existing tomcat?

It is not very clear from the installation docs (quickly) atleast how to configure it in a given tomcat instead of using its tomcat

Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 11:37:22 AM

Configuring on an existing tomcat

Once you install it, do the following in the server.xml of your tomcat installation

(Context path="/lps-2.2.1" docBase="E:\satya\i\lps221\Server\lps-2.2.1" debug="0"/)

Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:52:51 PM

Overview of developing in Laszlo

Overview of developing in laszlo

Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 12:55:45 PM

Recommended java settings

JAVA_OPTS='-Xmx512m -Xms256m'

Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:46:33 PM

How to deploy an application

1. Develop an lzx file in a text editor

2. Place it inside the webapp

3. Hit that url as follows


Where the lzx file is like


Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 1:48:12 PM

What can go wrong?

1. You may have not set the java options to increase the memory. This will result in the compiler killing your java web server with an out of memory error.

2. It is also possible you have mistyped the java options for more memory. So check your spelling of the memory options. In my case I have missed the trailing "m"

Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 3:27:54 PM

An introductory article by William Grosso on

Read the article

Satya - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 7:42:40 PM

Here is a taste of laszlo: Sample code set 1

Sample code set1

Satya - Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:36:07 PM

How to adjust the framesize when viewing lzx

The bottom part of the helper screen takes most of the real estate. How can I reduce it and expand the to portion of the screen.

Satya - Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:45:13 PM

Why am I getting a connection refused on an http url?

on a public url on a public site I am getting connections refused through laszlo. Most likely it is a problem of the proxy. I need to use the proxy settings. Where can I do this?

Satya - Thursday, April 21, 2005 3:09:44 PM

Compile messages won't be granular enough

Messages from the compiler are not the most detailed. So write your xml carefully and go over it a couple of times if you see a compiler error. A good xml editor will probably alleviate some of these. Otherwise check your spellings and so on and so forth.

Satya - Friday, April 22, 2005 10:06:41 AM

Working with tree controls

My notes on working with tree controls

Satya - Friday, April 22, 2005 10:49:12 AM

How to adjust the framesize when viewing lzx

To push the debug stuff to the bottom set the canvas size to a higher value. Example

(canvas height="620")

Satya - Friday, April 22, 2005 2:23:54 PM

The lzx language manual

Language manual Read this for the language elements such as constraints ($), language variables, object syntaxt, over all philosophy etc.

Satya - Saturday, April 23, 2005 10:19:37 AM

What is the difference between a variable declared with and with out a var?

What is the difference between a variable declared with and with out a var?

Satya - Saturday, April 23, 2005 10:20:33 AM

How to position a debug window?

When a canvas is enabled for debug, a debug window shows up. How can you position this and size this so that it won't interfere with the rest.

Satya - Saturday, April 23, 2005 10:21:57 AM

How come a modal dialong is not really modal?

When I open a modal dialog, it is allowing interaction with other dialogs on the screen. Also how come an alert dialog shows up only once?

Satya - Saturday, April 23, 2005 1:23:44 PM

About script tags

They are allowed only inside of a canvas object

The script tags are executed immediately

Script tags can include code directly

Script tags can embed functions using the javascript syntax

You can have javscript style comments

You have to use CDATA if you were to have any less than or xml objectionable characters

Functions are global, similar to java script. Where as methods are scoped to classes and objects for which they are defined.



//This is direct script
var name="satya";
Debug.write("hello " + name);

//This is a function
function sayHi(yourName)
   Debug.write("hello " + yourName);

Satya - Saturday, April 23, 2005 1:35:27 PM

Implicit events

Classes or objects in lzx can have attributes. When an attribute is set, an event is fired for that attribute (onattribute). These events are called implicit events.

There are also behavioral events or called css events that look like "OnClick" etc.

There is a distinction between these two types.

For example the implicit events can not be caught by "onevent" attribute of a node. These can be only caught by a "method" version of catching an event.

Apparently the css events can be caught by both mechanisms

Satya - Saturday, April 23, 2005 1:46:05 PM

What are setters

Although it is possible to set an attribute of a class using the setAttribute, you can also define a method to do that. It is similar to the "set" method for a member variable in java.

The setAttribute by default will set the variable and fire the onset event for that attribute.

your special method also need to do the same.

Satya - Saturday, April 23, 2005 1:47:14 PM

Overriding the init method

If you override the init() method, you need to call the supers init() first.



Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:20:09 AM

Laszlo 3.0 release notes

Read the 3.0 release notes

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:32:04 AM

Laszlo open bugs/issues

Bugs site

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 10:32:44 AM

Laszlo wiki


Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 2:29:48 PM

An unlikely place to understand laszlo's language elements

A discussion on jscript variables from the Microsoft site

As per the discussion, unless you declare a variable with "var" it will get a global scope.

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 2:36:00 PM

An interesting note on objects and arrays

In JScript, objects and arrays are handled almost identically ...

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 2:40:50 PM

More on objects and associative arrays

More on objects and associative arrays

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 2:46:58 PM

Apparently you can do this in javascript

// Object Literals

timObject = {
	property1 : "Hello",
	property2 : "MmmMMm",
	property3 : ["mmm", 2, 3, 6, "kkk"],

Where the timObject is all of the three at the same time

1. an object
2. an array
3. An associative array
4. A dictionary

Although there is no such thing as a "dictionary" an "object" and an "array" are full fledged objects in javascript and hence in laszlo

Read more about this

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 3:03:47 PM

IT might be a good time to get a refresher on javascript

Highlights of the javascript programming language

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 3:06:07 PM

Here is a brief quote from the above ref

In the object literal notation, an object description is a set of comma-separated name/value pairs inside curly braces. The names can be identifiers or strings followed by a colon. Because of an error in the language definition, reserved words cannot be used in the identifier form, but they can be used in the string form. The values can be literals or expressions of any type.

var myObject = {name: "Jack B. Nimble", 'goto': 'Jail', grade: 'A', level: 3};
return {
    event: event,
    op: event.type,
    to: event.srcElement,
    x: event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft,
    y: event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop};

emptyObject = {};

New members can be added to any object at any time by assignment.

myObject.nickname = 'Jackie the Bee';
Arrays and functions are implemented as objects.

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 3:06:54 PM

Another note on array or dictionary initialization

myList = ['oats', 'peas', 'beans', 'barley'];

emptyArray = [];

month_lengths = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];

slides = [
    {url: 'slide0001.html', title: 'Looking Ahead'},
    {url: 'slide0008.html', title: 'Forecast'},
    {url: 'slide0021.html', title: 'Summary'}

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 3:10:27 PM

An interesting detour to the author of the above fine Javascript manual

Douglas Crockford

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 5:00:24 PM

How can I serialize a dataset?

Apparently the following will not work

function printDataSet(dataset)

That will print some object references. You have to do the following instead

function printDataSet(dataset)

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 5:01:23 PM

What is then, the concept of serialization in laszlo?

How does serialization work in laszlo. What are the facilities, nuances, elaborations, etc.

Satya - Friday, April 29, 2005 5:45:47 PM

How to pretty print xml using Laszlo?

Although you can print the xml using serialiation, it puts the entire xml on oneline. Wondering if there is a facility to pretty print this in laszlo!

Satya - Monday, May 02, 2005 1:50:57 PM

Is there a class diagram for the laszlo classes

Especially for dataset related classes.

Satya - Monday, May 02, 2005 1:53:11 PM

How can you update a dataset pointed to by a datapath

How can you update a dataset pointed to by a datapath. What is the difference between a "addNodeFromPointer" and the "insertBefore" methods? One comes from the data node hierarchy and the other from the data pointer hierarchy. What gives?

Satya - Tuesday, May 03, 2005 12:20:12 PM

More documentation: Tips from the experts

Read a list of tips and articles on laszlo topics

Satya - Tuesday, May 03, 2005 12:42:51 PM

Copying data sets

Sample code and some explanation from Antun

Satya - Tuesday, May 03, 2005 4:13:45 PM

How to instantiate laszlo classes?

Laszlo classes are instantiated using their tags in the xml document. How can you do this programmatically. Is there a general connection between the two?

Satya - Tuesday, May 03, 2005 4:52:11 PM

How come there is no constructor documentation in the reference

Some how the reference does not list constructor methods for the classes. A departure from java or any other oop stuff.

Satya - Tuesday, May 03, 2005 5:01:19 PM

More on constructors

1. Here is an example of programmatically instantiating data sets

2. Constructor arguments

3. Creating constructors with arguments

Satya - Wednesday, May 04, 2005 7:09:12 PM

Are there any global functions?

Like in java script are there any global functions such as alert etc.

Satya - Wednesday, May 04, 2005 7:16:23 PM

How to escape url params?

Short of using the LzParam is there a clean way to use strings and escape functions to do this

Satya - Thursday, May 05, 2005 5:35:06 PM

What is data conversion error

when ask a dataset to refresh itself from a web server, it may tell you that it has a data conversion error. Initially you may think that there is some thing wrong with the url.

But the problem is laszlo is trying to parse what is coming back from the url. It expects this to be in xml format. It will be interesting to know if it is possible to receive non-xml data.. When it is not you get this data conversion error.

This is particularly pesky when you are retrieving html data segments. Because they may not be fully xml compliant. In that case it is necessary to put them in cdata sections.

Satya - Thursday, May 05, 2005 5:38:52 PM

Getting a tree, or a view or a window to scroll is tricky

There is no parameter you can set for scrolling on a view. You have to have scroll bar that is a child of a view to control its scrolling. It is an intricate dance that involves views, scroll bars, and height/width adjustments.

Satya - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 6:13:13 PM

How come I can't name a debug window

If I want to position a debug window I am able to do that by setting the x, and y values. But I am not able to name a debug window. I am also not able to place a debug window inside another view. How come?

Satya - Saturday, July 02, 2005 3:05:00 PM

Is it possible to do file upload using laszlo

The threads seem to suggest that it is not directly possible as flash does not have hooks into the native file system. The suggested approach is to use a browser.

What is not clear is, if we are coopting the browser then we are limited by the browsers ability to transfer files. For example how can you transfer 'n' number of files? Or how can you provide a drag and drop like functionality for files.

Satya - Saturday, July 02, 2005 3:05:56 PM

Check the ebay demo for file uploads

Some one suggested that laszlo has an ebay demo where they demonstrated a file upload. I need to go and check it what this is what capabilities it has.