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Tutorial Assets

1. xml file

2. xsd file

3. Java classes

4. Driver class

Immediate References

jaxb 2.0 api

jdk 1.5 enhancements

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xsd refresher

Rolling your reflection

1. FieldInfo class

2. BeanInfo class

3. ReflectionUtils

Satya - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 1:19:47 PM

What jar files do I need


Satya - Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:56:58 PM

A beginers thread on xml binding specifications

Bind existing class to existing schema HOWTO

Satya - Monday, August 01, 2005 3:14:40 PM

You can get altova xml spy home edition for free

If you are looking to make xsds, you may want to consider downloading the altova xml spy home edition.

xml spy takes a lot of space and considered a heavy handed solution to the problem.

At the moment I am not able to suggest any other better alternative.

Satya - Monday, August 01, 2005 3:18:48 PM

xmlspy: you will have to get a key after downloading

With xmlspy, once completing the install you need a key. For this you have to go their website and signup for a freekey. Key will be sent to you in your email

Satya - Monday, August 01, 2005 4:58:41 PM

For simple XSDs...

For simple xsds you might be better off handcoding them. Use the xsd refresher link in the right hand menu. This link also has xsd and xml validators that you can use online.

Because the xmlspy home edition annoyingly disables this support. For example I can't go from the xml to the xsd in this edition. At least I couldn't.If anyone figures out there or a better tool, Please do email me. I will certainly appreciate the gesture.