sample sql code

satya - Saturday, February 18, 2012 10:55:21 AM

last updated time stamp code

update reports    
set last_updated_on=GetDate()    
where report_id={reportId}

satya - Fri May 04 2012 17:56:37 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

sample stored proc code

sample stored proc code

satya - Fri May 04 2012 18:02:33 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

sorting example

order by some_field_alias desc

satya - Tue Nov 06 2012 13:25:09 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

How to call sql server stored proc syntax

How to call sql server stored proc syntax

Search for: How to call sql server stored proc syntax

satya - Tue Nov 06 2012 13:26:57 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Here is an example

use testdb;
exec tagFolder 3,5,'satya'

satya - 4/22/2014 3:27:33 PM

Here is another set of stored proc examples

Here is another set of stored proc examples

satya - 4/22/2014 3:28:37 PM

How to use sp_help

1. Sp_help "system object name" // has to match an exact name 
2. sp_helptext "system object name" // details 
3. sp_stored_procedures "%objectname%" // takes wild cards 
4. sp_columns "%name%" 5. sp_tables "%name%"

satya - 4/22/2014 3:29:34 PM

How can I execute a stored proc?

use the query analyzer tool

//Just type the following and execute

stored_proc_name arg1,arg2,arg3

satya - 4/24/2014 1:39:43 PM

tsql data types

tsql data types

Search for: tsql data types

satya - 4/24/2014 1:41:11 PM

Here is an msdn link

Here is an msdn link

satya - 4/24/2014 1:47:09 PM

It appears

varchar(10) means upto 10
varchar(256) upto 256
varchar(max) very large crap

satya - 4/24/2014 9:50:17 PM

ok, quick summary

bigint - 64 bits
int - 32 bits
smallint - 16 bits
tinyint - 8 bits

satya - 4/25/2014 10:18:06 AM

t-sql single and double quotation marks

t-sql single and double quotation marks

Search for: t-sql single and double quotation marks

satya - 4/25/2014 10:20:32 AM

In t-sql by default the quoted_identifier is on

this means only single quotes are allowed. you can use

set quoted_identifier off

Not sure what the implications are

satya - 4/25/2014 10:20:57 AM

Read about quoted_identifer

Read about quoted_identifer

satya - 4/25/2014 11:08:18 AM

tsql: how can i execute sql files?

tsql: how can i execute sql files?

Search for: tsql: how can i execute sql files?

satya - 4/25/2014 11:12:55 AM

A key suggestion is first convert them to stored procs

A key suggestion is first convert them to stored procs

satya - 4/25/2014 11:26:20 AM

tsql Call command syntax

tsql Call command syntax

Search for: tsql Call command syntax

satya - 4/25/2014 11:37:32 AM

SQL Server Management studio, Running script files

SQL Server Management studio, Running script files

Search for: SQL Server Management studio, Running script files

This seem not possible. command line option may be the only way to run files in tandem one after the other.

satya - 4/26/2014 2:55:03 PM

Understand primary keys, identity, foreign keys here

Understand primary keys, identity, foreign keys here

satya - 5/15/2014 4:34:24 PM

update multi field example

update reports    
set last_updated_on=GetDate()
,field3 = 5 -- etc
where report_id={reportId}

satya - 2/5/2020, 7:47:02 PM

Control flow ref

Control flow ref

satya - 2/5/2020, 7:58:16 PM

Cursors documented here

Cursors documented here

satya - 2/5/2020, 7:58:24 PM

tsql cursor sample code

tsql cursor sample code

Search for: tsql cursor sample code

satya - 2/5/2020, 8:02:09 PM

cursor sample code

cursor sample code

satya - 2/5/2020, 8:02:55 PM

A reasonable store of sample stored procedures

A reasonable store of sample stored procedures

satya - 2/5/2020, 8:03:28 PM

How can I log from a stored procedure?

How can I log from a stored procedure?

Search for: How can I log from a stored procedure?

satya - 2/5/2020, 8:08:11 PM

Understanding raiseerror

Understanding raiseerror

satya - 2/5/2020, 8:08:25 PM

sys.messages sqlserver

sys.messages sqlserver

Search for: sys.messages sqlserver

satya - 2/5/2020, 8:09:53 PM

sys.messages is documented here

sys.messages is documented here

satya - 2/5/2020, 8:12:36 PM

You got to throw at some point

You got to throw at some point

satya - 2/6/2020, 10:55:20 AM

ctrl-o opens a new file in SSMS

ctrl-o opens a new file in SSMS

satya - 2/6/2020, 11:18:19 AM

Here is an article on how to handle batch job errors in a stored procedure

Here is an article on how to handle batch job errors in a stored procedure

satya - 2/6/2020, 11:33:21 AM

raiseerror docs

raiseerror docs

satya - 2/6/2020, 11:34:08 AM


When RAISERROR is run with a severity of 11 or higher in a TRY block, it transfers control to the associated CATCH block

satya - 2/6/2020, 11:35:27 AM

A discussion on SOF for riaseerror as a logging mechanism

A discussion on SOF for riaseerror as a logging mechanism

satya - 2/6/2020, 11:35:49 AM


RAISERROR ('Some debugging info', 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT

satya - 2/6/2020, 1:32:28 PM

Set command

Set command

satya - 5/25/2020, 12:05:04 PM

sort is called order by

sort is called order by

satya - 5/25/2020, 12:05:43 PM

double quotes and single quotes in tsql

double quotes and single quotes in tsql

Search for: double quotes and single quotes in tsql

satya - 5/25/2020, 12:08:52 PM

Single quotes

1. Generally good for all strings

2. Including inside a SQL statement

3. double quotes inside a SQL statement seem to throw it off

satya - 5/25/2020, 12:09:18 PM

double quotes

1. Seem to be used to host variables

2. lengthy sql statements

satya - 5/25/2020, 12:11:07 PM

An example

        --fd.f_forecast_provider_id as provider_id,
        provider.f_forecast_provider_name as provider,
        --fd.f_plant_id as plant_id,
        plant.f_plant_name as plant,
    FROM t_vre_da_forecast_data fd,
        t_vre_plants plant,
        t_vre_forecast_providers provider

    where fd.f_forecast_provider_id = provider.f_vre_forecast_provider_id
        and fd.f_plant_id = plant.f_vre_plant_id

--Doesn't seem to like double quotes in the following line

      and provider.f_forecast_provider_name = 'UL'
      and plant.f_plant_name = 'sidrap'
        --and fd.f_date_time > '$startString'
        --and fd.f_date_time <= '$endString'
    order by fd.f_date_time desc