Notes on Tweaking Aspire

satya - Sat Apr 07 2012 09:19:46 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Add type support to 'get' methods on IDictionary

Add type support to 'get' methods on IDictionary

satya - Sat Apr 07 2012 09:20:45 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Have Tokenizer return a typed List as opposed to a vector as it has been doing

Have Tokenizer return a typed List as opposed to a vector as it has been doing

satya - Sat Apr 28 2012 08:05:28 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Make generic transforms return proper http headers such as xml

Currently I believe even for XML it is returning the text/html as the document mime type. Doing this right will enable ajax libraries and jquery to be more effective. Also browsers may paint it better as XML and not as one contiguous string of xml.

satya - Sat Apr 28 2012 14:40:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Provide a new database part that is a conditional insert

derive from dbrequestexecutor (or such)
take an additional select as an input
if the row exists throw an exception
otherwise execute the update

Currently this is done through a filter that does exactly the same. This will save some typing.

satya - Tue May 08 2012 17:11:35 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Provide better support for Ajax posts

provide explicit failure indicators
distinguish between ajax/html request
these are some of the thoughts

satya - Sat May 12 2012 15:14:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Migrate developers author home URL to newer master page

Migrate developers author home URL to newer master page

satya - Sat May 12 2012 16:01:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Allow master pages to override styles on individual pages.

this should be the case. Just check.

satya - Fri Jun 15 2012 23:38:55 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Design links, references, and predicates to most of the articles

Generalize it so that a document has aspects. these aspects are links, references etc with their own custom data model. See how this plays out.

do it first for the links as they are most often used.

satya - Fri Jun 15 2012 23:39:12 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Fix feedback and allow public comments more formally

Fix feedback and allow public comments more formally

satya - Fri Jun 15 2012 23:39:21 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

integrate openid

integrate openid

satya - Sun Sep 23 2012 14:46:20 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Provide a jquery enabled table entry in akc feedback

You would do something line

<div class="process" type="table">
releasename,api level
icecream sandwich,14

satya - Sun Sep 23 2012 14:46:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Also have an object oriented way to build the table with prompts

Also have an object oriented way to build the table with prompts

satya - Thu Sep 27 2012 10:42:16 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Provide inline editing for maintaining lists

Provide inline editing for maintaining lists

satya - Sat Oct 13 2012 19:19:28 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Provide a way to pass arguments back to the browser for short urls

Provide a way to pass arguments back to the browser for short urls

satya - Sat Oct 13 2012 19:23:11 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)

Fix file upload for chrome!!

Fix file upload for chrome!!

satya - Fri Nov 16 2012 16:05:48 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Create an inquote qualifier

Create an inquote qualifier

satya - 5/29/2013 11:43:58 AM

Streamline the mechanism to get request, response and session on the current thread

Streamline the mechanism to get request, response and session on the current thread

satya - 5/29/2013 1:01:01 PM

Provide a reflection based data collection

Provide a reflection based data collection

satya - 4/13/2014 11:55:25 AM

Investigate how an http part can be the end of the pipeline

the update servlet does some post processing and redirects the request for response. Sometimes the control may need to be given completely to the HttpPart and not redirect.

See how this is done, if it is allowed now, if not make provisions.

satya - 4/13/2014 11:56:26 AM

See if there is a way to store the last thread of exceptions

This will allow for easy debugging

satya - 4/13/2014 11:57:57 AM

See if there is a set of control paramters to control global behaviors

Allow for run time control of the server. Either place the entire config file in the database or provide a facility similar to android preferences.

satya - 4/14/2014 1:50:59 PM

Look for a URL data request name that is common

This should be a reusable name pointing to an empty class.

satya - 5/13/2014 10:44:02 AM

Rewrite IDictionary tooling with Hashmaps

Rewrite IDictionary tooling with Hashmaps

satya - 5/14/2014 9:11:00 AM

Provide isolation to apps and its variables

Right now the variables conflict. Figure out a way

May be provide an app architecture

satya - 5/14/2014 9:18:27 AM

Provide the feedback options for other users of other accounts

Provide the feedback options for other users of other accounts

satya - 5/14/2014 9:54:36 AM

Expand the ability to call Java function on server side for transformations

consider including the rquest and response object. May be use the architecture of parts to do this.

satya - 5/14/2014 1:54:27 PM

Find an easy declarative way to translate SQL select column values

Find an easy declarative way to translate SQL select column values

satya - 5/15/2014 5:39:11 AM

Create a client form widget

have fields in xml format
generates validators
generates submit code
handles error presentation

satya - 5/16/2014 8:56:02 AM

Allow substitution to expand akc files

Look in defaultexpressionevaluator1
May be time to bring in velocity or freemarker
what ever that is simpler and new

satya - 5/16/2014 8:59:56 AM

Allow for a client side framework that hides divs based on serverside conditions

<div class="AkcCondition-UserNotLoggedin">
<div class="control">
   <expression>(condition1 or condition2) and condition3</expression>
   <js>function1(condition1, condition2)</js>
<div class="divcontent">
...main stuff

satya - 5/16/2014 10:02:33 AM

Replace print original URL with a substitute command

Replace print original URL with a substitute command

satya - 5/19/2014 11:50:19 AM

Tweak the SQL code generation

introduce field specific constraints
ex: primary, unique etc.
composite at the header level

satya - 5/31/2014 8:21:38 AM

Provide a control form flipper

identify or tag a form as conditional. Then this control will show and hide the form as needed.

satya - 6/7/2014 8:19:15 AM

Explore the functional expression evaluator

I have planned or coded or designed sometime ago an expression of the form


where each function is a java class. See if I can code it.

satya - 6/7/2014 8:20:17 AM

Create a readily usable jsp template

i have now the aspire template. put a jsp template for a quick reference.

satya - 6/7/2014 8:25:31 AM

See what is the latest status on jsp

See what is the latest status on jsp

satya - 6/19/2014 10:51:19 AM

Create a client side framework where fields are objects

and can carry additional information such as hints, error messages, formats etc.

satya - 6/24/2014 12:42:05 PM

Look for key markers in logging

Add another log level called health trace
health trace will be
   1. key places
   2. Specifically chosen
   3. done as after the fact
See if you can also roll the file
Do it at run time
Develop or seek a cloud service to host and analyze logs