windows batch files

satya - 3/10/2013 6:32:00 PM

input and if statement in windows batch file

input and if statement in windows batch file

Search for: input and if statement in windows batch file

satya - 3/10/2013 6:39:47 PM

some documentation on windows batch files from ms

some documentation on windows batch files from ms

satya - 3/10/2013 6:42:53 PM

how do you detect empty arguments to windows batch file?

how do you detect empty arguments to windows batch file?

Search for: how do you detect empty arguments to windows batch file?

satya - 3/10/2013 6:52:43 PM

Here is an example

@echo off

@rem *****************************************************
@rem c:\satya\data      ==>>  ..\data
@rem c:\satya\readonly    ==>>  ..\readonly
@rem c:\work      ==>>  ..\work
@rem *****************************************************

@rem this is a back up file
@rem source: 
@rem xcopy c:\satya\readonly  ..\readonly /d /s /e /L

if "%1" == "list" goto list
if "%1" == "real" goto real
if "%1" == "" goto nothing
echo list selected

echo You have to say list or real
goto done

echo Listing files that have changed
xcopy c:\satya\readonly ..\readonly /d /s /e /L
echo listing files complete.
goto done

echo real selected
I am going to copy the latest files from source to target
goto done

echo done

satya - 3/10/2013 6:53:55 PM

Notice how the empty string and other strings are tested

You intentionally add quote around the input variables. Also notice I didn't use exit. If I did that then it will close the command window.

satya - 3/10/2013 6:58:09 PM

This script really works well as a poor mans backup facility

This script really works well as a poor mans backup facility

satya - 3/10/2013 7:28:29 PM

you may need to use set command often. here is the doc

you may need to use set command often. here is the doc

satya - 5/31/2013 12:12:01 PM

Another example

@rem ***********************************************
@rem This file is at
@rem C:\satya\data\codebase\webapps\akc-release-process\bin
@rem xcopy .\*.java c:\temp /s /L /D:11-22-2007
@rem ***********************************************

@rem turn off the command display
@rem just look for the output

@echo off

set srcdir=C:\satya\data\codebase\webapps\aspire_jsdk23_eclipse
set targetdir=.
xcopy %srcdir%\*.java %targetdir% /L /s /e /D:04-01-2013

satya - 5/31/2013 3:47:06 PM

Another example

@rem ***********************************************
@rem This file is copy-new-files-akc.cmd
@rem at
@rem C:\satya\data\codebase\webapps\akc-release-process\bin
@rem xcopy .\*.java c:\temp /s /L /D:11-22-2007
@rem ***********************************************

@rem turn off the command display
@rem just look for the output

@echo off

if "%1" == "" goto nothing

set srcdir=C:\satya\data\codebase\webapps\akc-sqlserver
set targetdir=%1

echo %targetdir%

xcopy %srcdir%\*.* %targetdir% /s /D:04-01-2013

goto done

echo you have to enter a target sub directory
goto done

echo done

satya - 5/3/2014 12:26:37 PM

See my notes on options for xcopy and copying recent files

See my notes on options for xcopy and copying recent files

satya - 8/10/2016, 9:35:16 AM

Working with errors in windows batch files

Working with errors in windows batch files

Search for: Working with errors in windows batch files

satya - 8/10/2016, 9:40:05 AM

if operators

EQU equal to
NEQ not equal to
LSS less than
LEQ less than or equal to
GTR greater than
GEQ greater than or equal to

satya - 8/10/2016, 9:58:49 AM

else is very tricky and so is checking errorlevel

if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
goto xcopy-good
) else (
goto xcopy-bad
@rem just in case
goto done

This works

satya - 8/10/2016, 9:59:41 AM

And this doesn't work

if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
goto xcopy-good
else (
goto xcopy-bad
@rem just in case
goto done

satya - 8/10/2016, 10:12:53 AM

This should work as well but is not!

if errorlevel 0 (
goto xcopy-good
) else (
goto xcopy-bad
@rem just in case
goto done

satya - 9/1/2019, 4:35:59 PM

what is setx in windows

what is setx in windows

Search for: what is setx in windows

satya - 9/1/2019, 4:41:37 PM

Set an environment variable from a command line for a user or a system

/m is for system environment
default is local

setx /M _JAVA_OPTIONS ""

satya - 9/1/2019, 4:45:23 PM

How can I see what are the system environment variable

Search for: Edit Environment variables

See panel "System Properties"

Choose "Environment variables" button at the bottom

satya - 9/1/2019, 4:48:48 PM

It appears there is an app "Settings"

where you still have to search for "environment" variables

satya - 9/1/2019, 5:51:36 PM

string operations functions in windows batch files

string operations functions in windows batch files

Search for: string operations functions in windows batch files

satya - 9/2/2019, 12:13:29 PM

Find if substring is in a stirng

Find if substring is in a stirng

satya - 9/2/2019, 12:14:12 PM

syntax of if command in windows batch files

syntax of if command in windows batch files

Search for: syntax of if command in windows batch files

satya - 5/6/2020, 10:03:54 AM

Block comments in windows dos batch files

Block comments in windows dos batch files

Search for: Block comments in windows dos batch files

satya - 5/6/2020, 10:04:07 AM

Apparently this is not there

Apparently this is not there

satya - 5/6/2020, 10:05:08 AM

workaround is to use go to

workaround is to use go to

satya - 5/6/2020, 10:05:19 AM

An article on that

An article on that

satya - 6/27/2020, 9:55:38 PM

An example to read a file into a variable

@rem *****************************************************
@rem Something about a batch file
@rem this is a complement
@rem a simple @ at the begining of a line will exec that command silently
@rem *****************************************************

@rem setup a directory for the control file
@set td=C:\satya\data\utils\jl

@rem look for a filename
@set tfile=%td%\transfer-commands.txt

@rem read the file into a variable
@set /p vdir=<%tfile%

@echo Changing directory to %vdir%
@cd %vdir%

satya - 6/27/2020, 9:57:49 PM

wiki windows batch scripting book

wiki windows batch scripting book

satya - 6/27/2020, 10:07:33 PM

windows commands from

windows commands from

satya - 6/27/2020, 10:13:10 PM

If is documented here

If is documented here

satya - 6/27/2020, 10:13:51 PM

set command is here

set command is here

satya - 6/29/2020, 12:22:47 PM

Difference between call and start with wait

Difference between call and start with wait

satya - 6/29/2020, 12:22:59 PM

Difference between call and start with wait

Difference between call and start with wait

Search for: Difference between call and start with wait

satya - 7/2/2020, 10:33:46 AM

Nice tutorial on batch files

Nice tutorial on batch files

satya - 7/2/2020, 10:40:30 AM

String operations at tut point

String operations at tut point

satya - 7/2/2020, 10:41:07 AM

Another sample batch file

@echo off
@rem *****************************************************
@rem Something about a batch file
@rem this is a complement
@rem a simple @ at the begining of a line will exec that command silently
@rem *****************************************************

@rem setup a directory for the control file
@set td=C:\satya\data\utils\jl

@rem look for a filename
@set tfile=%td%\transfer-commands.txt

@rem read the file into a variable
@rem vdir: variable for keeping the directory name
@set /p vdir=<%tfile%

@rem if the directory is "none" then there is Nothing
@rem for this program to change directory to.
if "%vdir%" == "none" goto nothing

@echo Changing directory to %vdir%
@cd %vdir%
goto done

@echo No need to change changeDirectory


satya - 7/2/2020, 11:03:23 AM

The colon operator in windows batch files

The colon operator in windows batch files

Search for: The colon operator in windows batch files

satya - 7/2/2020, 11:04:00 AM

SOF link for color operator

SOF link for color operator

satya - 7/2/2020, 11:13:32 AM


set v1="some text"

#rem replace "text" with "string"
set v2=%v1:text=string"

#using a * for any number of chars
set v2=%v1:*text=string"

@rem first 5
set v2=%v1:~0,5%

@rem from 7, next 5
set v2=%v1:~7,5%

@rem skip 7
set v2=%v1:~7"%

@rem first to but last 5
set v2=%v1:~0,-5"

satya - 7/2/2020, 11:13:49 AM

From SS64 partial strings

From SS64 partial strings