Three foreign words

satya - 7/27/2015, 4:30:58 PM

Look for the meaning of following words


ad hominem

a fortiori

satya - 7/27/2015, 4:39:53 PM

Ergo means therefore!

I don't understand why use a complex word when a simple native one would do, ergo I shouldn't use ergo when a simple 'thus', 'therefore', even a simple 'so' would do!

satya - 7/27/2015, 4:44:52 PM

ad hominem: attacking an opponents character rather than answering his argument

We have robust debates, we look at the facts, there are going to be disagreements. But we just don?t fling out ad hominem attacks like that because it doesn?t help inform the American people

- President Obama

satya - 7/27/2015, 4:47:13 PM

a fortiori (a four-shi-ori): for similar but more convincing reasons

if Britain cannot afford a space programme, then, a fortiori, neither can India

satya - 7/27/2015, 4:48:03 PM

Interesting! All three are latin words

Interesting! All three are latin words