Essential Python

satya - 8/25/2019, 11:08:40 AM

Python in VSCode is documented here

Python in VSCode is documented here

satya - 8/25/2019, 11:09:07 AM

Chose to use VSCode as I have it already.

Try not to use a separate IDE for each technology!!!

satya - 8/25/2019, 11:10:10 AM

Anaconda or windows app

Anaconda seem to be around 600MB and seem to have lots of bells and whistles such as R and data science stuff.

For starters I went with the windows python app in windows store at 60MB I believe.

satya - 8/25/2019, 11:10:38 AM

When installed and run it seem to open a python 3.7.4 interactive shell.

When installed and run it seem to open a python 3.7.4 interactive shell.

satya - 8/25/2019, 11:11:29 AM

The shell seem to suggest a tutorial

The shell seem to suggest a tutorial

satya - 8/25/2019, 11:14:07 AM

The standard library is documented here

The standard library is documented here

satya - 8/25/2019, 11:16:26 AM

High level

High level literal data structures such as lists, tuples (tables/rows/columns)

interpreted, dynamic, Scripting benefits

Object oriented

open for modules and new packages

satya - 8/25/2019, 11:16:48 AM

Python packages called pypi (python package index) is documented here

Python packages called pypi (python package index) is documented here

satya - 8/25/2019, 1:15:13 PM

w3schools and python

w3schools and python

satya - 8/25/2019, 1:34:04 PM

len() for example is a built in function in python: The other are here

len() for example is a built in function in python: The other are here

satya - 8/25/2019, 1:34:59 PM

Built-in functions in Python

Built-in functions in Python

Search for: Built-in functions in Python

satya - 8/25/2019, 1:48:24 PM

Lesson 1 - Basics

# This is a comment

#This is a hello world in python
print ("hello world")

#A partial comment
msg1 = "Partial comment" #Partial comment

# Common
# Escaped strings with # single quotes and double quotes

#Multiline strings
#End of lines are preserved unless removed with an escape \ 
multilineString = """First line
Second line
third line
print (multilineString)

#Glued strings
#No need for + if next to each other
msg2 = "test" + "another test"
msg3 = "test" "another test"
print (msg2)
print (msg3)

#You have to put them in brackets to make the following work
msg4 = ("test"
    "another test string"
    "and one more string")

print (msg4)

#Agreeing with escapes
msg5 = r"c:\rootdir\otherdir"
msg6 = "c:\\rootdir\\otherdir"

#Comparing strings

if msg5 == msg6:
    print ("yes they are same")
        print("No, they are not the same")

print (msg5)
print (msg6)

#Finding strings using "in" key word
available1 = r"c:\root" in msg5
available2 = "c:\root" in msg5
print (available1)
print (available2)

msg5 = "0123456789"
msg7 = msg5[:4] #Get 0 to 3
print (msg7)

#Notice how it gets the 5th character
#as the array is 0 based
msg8 = msg5[4:8] #4,5,6,7
print (msg8)    
c7th = msg5[6]
print (c7th) #You will get 6

# len() is what is called a Built in function
print (len(msg5)) #should be 10

#Cases: Title, Upper, Lower
msg9 = "how ABOUT This sEntence"
print (msg9.title()) #How About This Sentence

satya - 8/25/2019, 1:55:28 PM

OO Nature of Python

Python is an object oriented programming language.

Almost everything in Python is an object, with its properties and methods.

satya - 8/25/2019, 2:08:38 PM

Functions in Python

They are first class

don't need to be in an object

default args supported

indented for completion

types are inferred and not specified

arguments can be in sequence or named

satya - 8/25/2019, 2:09:06 PM


def my_function(food):
  for x in food:

fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]


satya - 8/25/2019, 2:09:53 PM

Arbitrary arguments with a * in python

Arbitrary arguments with a * in python

Search for: Arbitrary arguments with a * in python

satya - 8/25/2019, 2:15:05 PM

Python collections

Lists: [a,b,c] #Changeable
Tuples: (a,b,c) #Unchangeable
Sets: {a,b,c} #unordered, unindexed
Dictionaries: {a:b, c:d} #uordered, changeable, indexed

satya - 8/28/2019, 2:36:31 PM

How to reference a self object in python?

How to reference a self object in python?

Search for: How to reference a self object in python?

satya - 8/28/2019, 2:40:46 PM

Read through this

Read through this

satya - 8/28/2019, 2:53:35 PM

Understand the following python modules

import inspect:Search On Web

import logging:Search On Web

import traceback:Search On Web

satya - 9/7/2019, 5:57:53 PM

Here is an example of a function definition

#Function: printCollected

def printBeginMsg(msg):
    print ("*****************************")
    print ("*" + msg)
    print ("*****************************")

def printEndMsg(msg):
    print ("*****************************")
    print ("*" + msg)
    print ("*****************************")

def printCollected(msg, collectedRDD):
    for item in collectedRDD:
        print (item)

#End of function

satya - 9/11/2019, 10:46:25 AM

How do I know the type of an object in python?

How do I know the type of an object in python?

Search for: How do I know the type of an object in python?

satya - 9/11/2019, 10:49:12 AM


#Print type
print (type(someobjectRef))

#examine type

class T

isinstance(object, T)

satya - 9/11/2019, 11:13:49 AM

Better approach to printing strings

# you cannot do this
print("blah " + type(o))

# what you have to do

type1 = type(o)
type2 = type(o)
print("blah type1 {} type2 {} etc ".format(type1,type2))

satya - 9/22/2019, 1:49:01 PM

The raw strings for mentioning directories on windows

# r before a string stands for raw
# This gives an error however
dataDirectory = r'C:\satya\data\code\pyspark\'
# SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

#this is ok
dataDirectory = r'C:\satya\data\code\pyspark'

satya - 9/22/2019, 1:49:55 PM

Online Book: This python text book is a good online quick reference

Online Book: This python text book is a good online quick reference

satya - 9/22/2019, 2:02:34 PM

Some code

#Some constants
dataDirectory = r'C:\satya\data\code\pyspark'

processedDir = dataDirectory     + r"\data\mp_scada_data\processed"

inputWuActualWeatherForAWeek =     dataDirectory     + r"\data\mp_scada_data\wu_actual\All Data.csv"

def printVar(msg, var1):
    formatMsg = msg + ": {}"
    finalMsg = formatMsg.format(var1)

printVar ("Data directory", dataDirectory)
printVar ("inputWuActualWeatherForAWeek",inputWuActualWeatherForAWeek)

#You can also do this instead
print ("Data directory: ", dataDirectory)
print ("inputWuActualWeatherForAWeek: ",inputWuActualWeatherForAWeek)

satya - 9/22/2019, 2:29:26 PM

List comprehensions in python

List comprehensions in python

Search for: List comprehensions in python

satya - 9/22/2019, 2:34:27 PM

Notice the : around if and else statements

if len(mylist) < 10:
    print (mylist)
    print ("List too big")

satya - 9/22/2019, 2:59:00 PM

Understand enumerate in python comprehensions

Understand enumerate in python comprehensions

Search for: Understand enumerate in python comprehensions

satya - 9/22/2019, 2:59:29 PM

Look at this code

mylist = [line for idx, line in enumerate(inputFileObj) if idx < 5]

print ("*********")
print (len(mylist))
print (mylist[0])

if len(mylist) < 10:
    print (mylist)
    print ("List too big")
    print (len(mylist))

satya - 9/23/2019, 10:40:03 AM

True and False

true: "dddd"
false: "" //empty

//All false because they are empty
//if not then true

false: 0
true: 1
false: None

satya - 9/23/2019, 10:42:35 AM

whats up with : in python

Whats up with :
     Starts a block of code
     In #python
           If ... :
           for ... :

satya - 9/23/2019, 10:43:25 AM

Optional parenthesis

if (x > y)

is ok to say

if x > y

satya - 9/23/2019, 10:45:24 AM

Apparently this is ok

if (a == 1 and
   b == 2 and
   c == blah ) :
   other stuff

where brackets are extending a line. there may be nuances as brackets can define a tuple as well!!

satya - 9/23/2019, 10:49:06 AM

Unpacking lists with names

#unpack a list or tuple etc
a,b,c,d,e = "hello"

a = h
b = e
c= l
d = l
e = o

satya - 9/23/2019, 1:57:38 PM

working with Date time in python

working with Date time in python

Search for: working with Date time in python

satya - 9/23/2019, 2:21:40 PM

This seem to work

from datetime import datetime

someInstance = datetime.fromisoformat("2019-09-01 00:05:00.000")


#prints: 2019-09-01 00:05:00

satya - 9/23/2019, 2:21:51 PM

You can also do this

from datetime import datetime

someInstance = datetime.fromisoformat(
    "2019-09-01 00:05:00.000"

satya - 9/23/2019, 2:23:22 PM

And this

from datetime import datetime

someInstance = datetime.fromisoformat(
    "2019-09-01 00:05:00.000"


satya - 9/23/2019, 2:37:30 PM

string formatting integers in python

string formatting integers in python

Search for: string formatting integers in python

satya - 9/23/2019, 2:48:22 PM

See this code

from datetime import datetime

sampleTimeInstanceString = "2019-09-01 00:05:00.000"
someInstance = datetime.fromisoformat(


def getFilename(datetimeInstanceString):
    fileBasename = "somebase-filename-for-"
    #i - instance
    i = datetime.fromisoformat(datetimeInstanceString)

    #see the formating options for padding 
    #integers with 0s
    filePostFix = (
        .format(i.year, i.month,, i.hour)
    return fileBasename + filePostFix + ".csv"

print (getFilename(sampleTimeInstanceString))
# will pring the following
# somebase-filename-for-2019090100.csv

satya - 9/23/2019, 2:49:02 PM


filePostFix = (
        .format(i.year, i.month,, i.hour)

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:05:48 AM

Working with directories in python

Working with directories in python

Search for: Working with directories in python

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:06:34 AM

Here is os.path in the standard library of python

Here is os.path in the standard library of python

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:06:51 AM

There doesn't seem to be an explicit structure like a "directory"

There doesn't seem to be an explicit structure like a "directory"

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:09:58 AM

File and directory access in python docs

File and directory access in python docs

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:15:31 AM

working with files and directories in python

working with files and directories in python

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:24:40 AM

Basic intro to creating classes

Basic intro to creating classes

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:32:16 AM

How to raise exceptions in Python

How to raise exceptions in Python

Search for: How to raise exceptions in Python

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:32:30 AM

Here is the raise keyword in python lang reference

Here is the raise keyword in python lang reference

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:53:58 AM

class documentation in lang reference

class documentation in lang reference

satya - 9/25/2019, 9:59:41 AM

calling other methods for __init__ in python

calling other methods for __init__ in python

Search for: calling other methods for __init__ in python

satya - 9/25/2019, 10:00:12 AM

See this discussion in SOF

See this discussion in SOF

satya - 9/25/2019, 10:02:19 AM

Here is the way

#calling form init
#notice "self."

#define it 
def f1(self):

satya - 9/26/2019, 10:42:11 AM

How to delete files from a folder

How to delete files from a folder

Search for: How to delete files from a folder

satya - 9/26/2019, 10:42:34 AM

How can I delete the contents of a local folder in Python?

How can I delete the contents of a local folder in Python?

Search for: How can I delete the contents of a local folder in Python?

satya - 9/26/2019, 10:42:52 AM

at SOF: How can I delete the contents of a local folder in Python?

at SOF: How can I delete the contents of a local folder in Python?

satya - 9/26/2019, 10:51:30 AM

The link above is a good source for


satya - 9/26/2019, 11:06:34 AM

Here is an example

import os
from os import path
import shutil

def _emptyFilesetDirectory(self, fileSetDirectory):

        for item in os.listdir(fileSetDirectory):

            #item is just a name, not the full path
            itemFullpath = path.join(fileSetDirectory,item)

            if path.isfile(itemFullpath):

            if path.isdir(itemFullpath):

satya - 10/14/2019, 6:33:19 PM

How to put imports on multiple lines in python

How to put imports on multiple lines in python

Search for: How to put imports on multiple lines in python

satya - 10/14/2019, 6:34:06 PM

You can do one of this

from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer, \ 
            SimpleXMLRPCRequestHandler, \ 
            CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler, \ 


from SimpleXMLRPCServer import (SimpleXMLRPCServer,

satya - 10/14/2019, 6:34:27 PM

These are called multi-line imports in python

These are called multi-line imports in python

Search for: These are called multi-line imports in python

satya - 10/14/2019, 6:34:37 PM

Multi-line imports are documented here

Multi-line imports are documented here

satya - 10/14/2019, 6:35:51 PM

Here is a combination

from outputfilesetdirectory import     (getTheHour, 

satya - 10/14/2019, 6:37:42 PM

Or this will work too

from outputfilesetdirectory import (

satya - 10/14/2019, 7:00:44 PM

File IO is documented here

File IO is documented here

satya - 10/14/2019, 7:28:17 PM

python partially assign variables from a list

python partially assign variables from a list

Search for: python partially assign variables from a list

satya - 10/14/2019, 7:28:58 PM

Partial list unpack in Python: SOF

Partial list unpack in Python: SOF

satya - 10/14/2019, 7:35:02 PM

* operator multiple assignment syntax in python 3

* operator multiple assignment syntax in python 3

Search for: * operator multiple assignment syntax in python 3

satya - 10/14/2019, 7:35:25 PM

Multiple assignment and tuple unpacking improve Python code readability: article

Multiple assignment and tuple unpacking improve Python code readability: article

satya - 10/14/2019, 7:41:34 PM

I can do this using partial field assignments

def getFirstField(aRowWithCommaSeparatedFields):
    #Get some type help by saying it is a string
    line : str  = aRowWithCommaSeparatedFields

    #line is a set of fields
    #First field is an iso time format
    #2019-09-01 00:05:00.000
    #Many other comma separated fields

    #Using type help you can discover .partition method
    timeField, *rest = line2.partition(",")


satya - 10/18/2019, 1:12:22 PM

with statement to open and write to a file in python

with statement to open and write to a file in python

Search for: with statement to open and write to a file in python

satya - 10/18/2019, 1:17:11 PM

with statement in python

with statement in python

Search for: with statement in python

satya - 10/18/2019, 1:20:11 PM

with statement is documented here

with statement is documented here

satya - 10/18/2019, 1:37:21 PM

Brief summary

with someObject as x:
  suite of statements
  that use x

could be equivalent to

x = someobject.enter(self)
execute suite
someobject.exit(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)

satya - 10/18/2019, 1:40:35 PM

Some explanation

1. if enter succeeds, it is guaranteed that exit is called.

2. if no exception, then None objects are passed to exit

3. if exception, then those exception objects are passed in

4. exit can return true to stop the propagation of exception otherwise the exception is passed on

satya - 10/18/2019, 1:41:57 PM

So with a file object you can do

with open(filename, filemode) as myfile:

The myfile object will be guaranteed to be closed irrespective of the exception or success

satya - 10/18/2019, 1:43:01 PM

Working with context managers in python

Working with context managers in python

Search for: Working with context managers in python

satya - 10/18/2019, 1:46:08 PM

Context managers implement the idea of

//Ensure this
Do some thing before

//then do this
Do code

//Ensure this even with failures
Do something after

satya - 10/18/2019, 1:58:58 PM

Context Managers are documented in GitHub book PythonTips book by Yasoob

Context Managers are documented in GitHub book PythonTips book by Yasoob

satya - 10/18/2019, 2:08:24 PM

Enum is documented here

Enum is documented here

satya - 10/18/2019, 2:08:30 PM

Enums in python

Enums in python

Search for: Enums in python

satya - 10/18/2019, 2:55:29 PM

Idea of using Enum for file modes open() in python is discussed here

Idea of using Enum for file modes open() in python is discussed here

satya - 10/18/2019, 2:55:59 PM

Using Enum for file modes open() in python

Using Enum for file modes open() in python

Search for: Using Enum for file modes open() in python

satya - 10/18/2019, 3:18:23 PM

Perhaps I can do this instead

class FileMode:
    #Some popular modes
    r = "r"
    read = r

    w = "w"
    write = w #overwrite

    a = "a"
    append = a

    #Attach this where needed
    binary = "b"

satya - 10/18/2019, 3:21:02 PM

That will jog the memory when I do

#Notice the FileMode. for intellisense

with open(filepath, FileMode.w) as file:
        for line in actualWeatherByTheHourList:

satya - 7/3/2020, 9:51:29 AM

Syntax of a list comprehension

[x for x in list if x % 2 == 0]


[f2(x) for x in list if f(x) == true]

same as

select x // before for
from table //for part
where f(x) == true //if part

satya - 7/12/2020, 8:55:43 PM

type hints in python

type hints in python

Search for: type hints in python

satya - 7/12/2020, 8:56:43 PM

Type hints are documented here

Type hints are documented here

satya - 7/12/2020, 8:57:44 PM


def greeting(name: str) -> str:
    return 'Hello ' + name

satya - 9/18/2022, 3:10:49 PM

Multi-line comment in python

Multi-line comment in python

Search for: Multi-line comment in python

satya - 9/18/2022, 3:12:24 PM

PYthon does not have multi-line comments.

PYthon does not have multi-line comments.

satya - 1/20/2024, 1:02:49 PM

For intellisense in python in vscode do this

  1. Install the ubiquitous MS python extension
  2. Go to command: Ctrl-shift-p
  3. Search for "Preferences: work space settings"
  4. Then there search for python.analysis.typeCheckingMode
  5. Set it to "strict"

satya - 1/20/2024, 1:03:40 PM

Now the following is very useful

#In your function give a type hint as below
def understandResponse(response: requests.Response):

After the "." tupe ctrl-space, and you will ONLY those methods specific to that object.

satya - 1/20/2024, 3:05:41 PM

This is possible in Python: Cascading imports

lib1 imports lib2
App import lib1 and also lib2

In other words

lib1 -> lib2
App -> lib1, lib2

satya - 1/20/2024, 3:05:57 PM

Cascading imports are common in Python

Cascading imports are common in Python

satya - 1/21/2024, 8:07:32 PM

Useful in libs to execute them

def localTest():
    print ("Starting local test")
    print ("End local test")

if __name__ == '__main__':

satya - 2/1/2024, 12:39:24 PM

try catch

    # Code that may raise an exception
    num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
    result = 10 / num  # This line may raise a ZeroDivisionError if num is 0
    print("Result:", result)

except ZeroDivisionError:
    # Handle the specific exception (ZeroDivisionError)
    print("Error: Cannot divide by zero")

except ValueError:
    # Handle another specific exception (ValueError)
    print("Error: Invalid input. Please enter a valid number")

except Exception as e:
    # Handle any other exception not caught by the specific except blocks
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

    # Optional else block that executes if no exceptions occurred
    print("No exceptions occurred")

    # Optional finally block that always executes, whether there's an exception or not
    print("Execution finished")

satya - 2/2/2024, 4:09:33 PM

enum code

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3

# then
if (Color.Red == 1) etc.

satya - 2/2/2024, 4:10:22 PM

sub strings

main_string = "Hello, world!"
sub_string = "world"

if sub_string in main_string:
    print(f"'{sub_string}' is present in '{main_string}'")
    print(f"'{sub_string}' is not present in '{main_string}'")