VSCode and python

satya - 9/12/2019, 9:48:36 AM

vscode python intellisense hints types

vscode python intellisense hints types

Search for: vscode python intellisense hints types

satya - 9/12/2019, 9:50:07 AM

Python in Visual Studio Code

Python in Visual Studio Code

satya - 9/12/2019, 9:57:30 AM

Editing in python, some info on intellisense

Editing in python, some info on intellisense

satya - 9/12/2019, 10:03:59 AM

What is Microsoft Python Language Server

What is Microsoft Python Language Server

Search for: What is Microsoft Python Language Server

satya - 9/12/2019, 10:13:52 AM

Type hints in python

Type hints in python

Search for: Type hints in python

satya - 9/12/2019, 10:14:10 AM

Support for type hints

Support for type hints

satya - 9/12/2019, 10:17:42 AM

How can I access a tuple as a typed object in Python

How can I access a tuple as a typed object in Python

Search for: How can I access a tuple as a typed object in Python

satya - 9/12/2019, 10:18:39 AM

How do you typecast a tuple to an object

How do you typecast a tuple to an object

Search for: How do you typecast a tuple to an object

satya - 9/12/2019, 10:22:53 AM

can i access a tuple in puthon using name

can i access a tuple in puthon using name

Search for: can i access a tuple in puthon using name

satya - 9/12/2019, 10:23:06 AM

What are named tuples in python?

What are named tuples in python?

Search for: What are named tuples in python?

satya - 9/12/2019, 10:26:14 AM

Read this on type hints

Read this on type hints

satya - 9/12/2019, 11:06:57 AM

How can I hint python IDE that a variable is of a particular type?

How can I hint python IDE that a variable is of a particular type?

Search for: How can I hint python IDE that a variable is of a particular type?

satya - 9/12/2019, 11:07:40 AM

Are there something similar to Template Literals in Python?

Are there something similar to Template Literals in Python?

Search for: Are there something similar to Template Literals in Python?

satya - 9/12/2019, 11:41:04 AM

How to setup mypy in vscode?

How to setup mypy in vscode?

Search for: How to setup mypy in vscode?

satya - 9/12/2019, 11:56:31 AM

Here is microsoft python language server

Here is microsoft python language server

satya - 9/12/2019, 12:01:33 PM

Read this on python language server

Read this on python language server

satya - 9/12/2019, 12:07:38 PM

How to enable language server in vscode

How to enable language server in vscode

Search for: How to enable language server in vscode

satya - 9/12/2019, 12:20:41 PM

what is pyright?

what is pyright?

Search for: what is pyright?

satya - 9/12/2019, 12:22:08 PM

Add this to settings.json to enable python language server

"python.jediEnabled": false

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:15:28 PM

Pyright is explained here: Packtpub

Pyright is explained here: Packtpub

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:19:06 PM

From there briefly....

Pyright to fill in the gaps in existing Python type checkers like mypy. Currently, this type checker supports Python 3.0 and its newer versions.

It comes with support for PEP 484 (type hints including generics), PEP 526 (syntax for variable annotations), and PEP 544 (structural subtyping).

It supports type inference for function return values, instance variables, class variables, and globals.

It provides smart type constraints that can understand conditional code flow constructs like if/else statements.

Pyright shows 5x speed as compared to mypy

Since Pyright is written in TypeScript and runs within Node, you do not need to set up a Python environment

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:20:52 PM

Github link for pyright

Github link for pyright

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:22:42 PM

Lets look at some features from github

Intelligent type completion of keywords, symbols, and import names appears when editing

Import statements are automatically inserted when necessary for type completions

Signature completion tips help when filling in arguments for a call

Hover over symbols to provide type information and doc strings

Find Definitions to quickly go to the location of a symbol?s definition

Find References to find all references to a symbol within a code base

Rename Symbol to rename all references to a symbol within a code base

Organize Imports command for automatically ordering imports according to PEP8 rules

Type stub generation for third-party libraries

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:25:07 PM

Answer: Do you need Python then, if you have pyright!!!?

For rich Python editing and debugging capabilities with Visual Studio Code, be sure to also install the official Microsoft Python extension for Visual Studio Code as Pyright only provides syntax and type checking.

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:30:30 PM

What is the difference between pyright and the Microsoft Python Visual Studio Code plugin?

Pyright is focused on type checking. The Python VS Code plugin is Microsoft?s officially-supported extension for VS Code and provides a diverse array of features including auto-complete, debugging, linter plugins, type-checking plugins, and much more. Pyright can be used alongide the Microsoft Python extension.

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:30:55 PM

What is the difference between Pyright and the Microsoft Python Language Server?

The Microsoft Python Language Server is a language server protocol (LSP) implementation that works with the Microsoft Python VS Code plugin. It is officially supported by a team of Microsoft engineers. It focuses on providing core editing capabilities such as auto-completion, code navigation and documentation. Pyright is focused on providing fast syntax and type checking with features such as more configurabilty and command-line execution.

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:34:54 PM

"python.jediEnabled": false

"python.jediEnabled": false

Search for: "python.jediEnabled": false

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:37:35 PM

VSCode python settings are documented here

VSCode python settings are documented here

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:38:23 PM

Does pyright requires Microsoft Python Language Server?

Does pyright requires Microsoft Python Language Server?

Search for: Does pyright requires Microsoft Python Language Server?

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:40:32 PM

Python in Visual Studio Code ? June & July 2018 Release: Microsoft

Python in Visual Studio Code ? June & July 2018 Release: Microsoft

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:43:55 PM

Nature of "python.jediEnabled": false

To try out the new language server, go to File > Preferences > Settings and add the following option:

"python.jediEnabled": false

This will trigger a notification asking you to reload Visual Studio Code. Upon reload it will begin downloading the language server for your operating system.

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:45:22 PM

Language server is about 30MB

Language server is about 30MB

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:46:38 PM

Where are vscode extensions installed

Where are vscode extensions installed

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:46:57 PM

For windows

Windows %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions

satya - 9/13/2019, 2:47:40 PM

And ...

You can change the location by launching VS Code with the --extensions-dir <dir> command-line option.

satya - 9/16/2019, 10:08:06 AM

July, 2017, Installing and about Python language server

July, 2017, Installing and about Python language server

Installation, Activation, FAQ

satya - 9/16/2019, 10:30:20 AM

Summarizing Python language Server

1. It is part of ms python extension. It is required by Pyright.

2. You need to set python.jediEnabled=false in the settings file. This setting is documented in python settings reference page. (link is above)

3. go to File > Preferences > Settings and add the option: "python.jediEnabled": false

4. python.jediEnabled=true: Indicates whether to use Jedi as the IntelliSense engine (true) or the Microsoft Python Language Server (false). Note that the language server requires a platform that supports .NET Core 2.1 or newer. So one should be ok with windows. But not sure what this means for using vscode on linux variants

5. python.jediPath: Path to folder containing the Jedi library (folder should contain a jedi subfolder). As this is the default, I am not investigating further. if this is set to fasle and language server takes over, hopefully just for python.

6. python.analysis. has a number of options for the language server. One of them is the path to the typeshed modules. You can also control a number of other intellisense features. See the python settings reference page mentioned before

7.python.analysis.extraPaths: Specifies locations of additional packages for which to load autocomplete data.

8. The language server is about 30MB. Instructions seem to indicate it is downloaded when it is first enabled. I cannot tell for sure if it is already instlled in the latest vscode.

9. There is a github link where you can submit an issue for language server

10. To know if this is installed look at the language extensions directory: Windows %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions. It looks like this C:\Users\satya\.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2019.9.34911\languageServer.0.3.66

11. Apparently you can delete this language server to trigger a download of the new version. Hopefully your current version of vscode can just use the updating of an extension instead.