Azure Powershell

satya - 11/18/2019, 10:22:18 AM

Documentation: Getting started with azure powershell

Documentation: Getting started with azure powershell

satya - 11/18/2019, 10:33:21 AM

Few rules

1. command lets: ex: get-command, get-azvm, get-azFirewall

2. verb-noun

3. verb: actions: get, set, etc

4. noun: resource types: vms, data factories, databases

5. command lets are inside modules that get loaded

satya - 11/18/2019, 10:33:52 AM


Get-Command -Verb Get -Noun AzVM* -Module Az.Compute

satya - 11/18/2019, 10:35:09 AM


1. verb: get

2. noun: command

3. options: -verb, -noun, -module

4. module: az.compute

*May be they are case sensitive! don't know yet

satya - 11/18/2019, 10:36:44 AM

The module az.datafactory is documented here

The module az.datafactory is documented here

satya - 11/18/2019, 10:39:25 AM

Approved verbs are here

Approved verbs are here

satya - 11/18/2019, 10:42:54 AM

Working with managed identity through powershell for a data factory

Working with managed identity through powershell for a data factory

satya - 11/18/2019, 11:01:04 AM

Mastering azure cloud shell: article

Mastering azure cloud shell: article

satya - 11/18/2019, 11:24:04 AM

Some issues

1. When I invoked it has created all the necessary assets like the storage account, resource group etc.

2. However it created it in a different location than I wanted.

3. i also don't know if this storage account is specific to a user or a group of users like at a subscription level!!

4. these are still things that need to be figured out

satya - 11/18/2019, 11:28:05 AM

How do you know what command lets are available

1. You search

2. how do you search? you use the following search commandlet

3. Get-command -verb get -noun *azdatafactory*

4. that will search for get commands whose name includes something to do with data factories

5. Then you can locate the documentation page for that commandlet. You can locate these command lets in the links provided in this document around azure powershell urls

satya - 11/18/2019, 11:30:43 AM

Here is another way to search the available commandlets

Here is another way to search the available commandlets

satya - 11/18/2019, 11:33:38 AM

Yet another way is

Go here first:

Yet another way is

Then locate "Reference" on the left hand side to identify each module and commandlets with in that module and examples for each commandlet

satya - 11/18/2019, 12:07:19 PM

Few notes from that article

1. Azure Cloud Shell is assigned per unique user account and automatically authenticated with each session

2. You can always remove the Cloud Shell by deleting the Azure resource group, which you used during that setup process.

3. One of the great features of Cloud Shell is that you will find many tools already installed; one of them is SSH. If you want to connect to your VM directly from the Azure portal using SSH, you can fire up Cloud Shell and do so. This makes managing Linux much more comfortable. You can create and deploy and manage virtual machines directly from your web browser.

4. Looks like there is some sort of a cloud drive that is attached. Need to know more here.

5. It has an editor based on the Visual Studio Code open-source project Monaco

6. A PowerShell provider allows any data store to be exposed like a file system as if it were a mounted drive. In other words, the data in your data store can be treated like files and directories so that a user can navigate data via cd or dir. SHiPS is a PowerShell provider. To be more precise it?s a provider utility that simplifies developing PowerShell providers.

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:30:07 PM

Locating a datafactory by name

//This will locate a datafactory
$df = Get-AzDataFactoryV2 
  -ResourceGroupName "some-resource-group" 
  -Name "some-datafactory-1"

//Notice the V2 at the end of Get-AzDatafactorV2

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:30:28 PM

Use Get-AzDataFactoryV2 and not Get-AzDataFactory

Use Get-AzDataFactoryV2 and not Get-AzDataFactory

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:31:09 PM

You can do this also to find out names of these commands


Now type tab to see the prompts

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:32:06 PM

You can do $df then to print out the nature of the data factory

> $df = ....some code that locates the data factory
> $df (this will print that object now)

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:32:40 PM

You can do this the methods and properties of that object

> $df.

//Notice the .

//Then press tab

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:33:13 PM

That will print the options as

DataFactoryId      Identity           
ProvisioningState  ResourceGroupName  
Equals             GetType

DataFactoryName    Location           
RepoConfiguration  Tags               
GetHashCode        ToString

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:35:28 PM

Some of these are properties and some are methods

Identity is a property

GetType is a method


1. $df.Identity

2. $df.GetType()

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:47:07 PM

Get the principal id first of the data factor

$df = Get-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupname(name) -Name (datafactoryname)

PrincipalId                          TenantId
-----------                          --------
2c97254a-a956-412a-8521-88bf61e6f956 e2ba767a-b27a-4f1d-b91a-309caf328df6

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:48:53 PM

Then you can get the managed identity like this

Get-AzADServicePrincipal -Objectid (principalid)

//You will get

ServicePrincipalNames : ....
ApplicationId         : app-id-is-here
ObjectType            : ServicePrincipal
DisplayName           : factory-name
Id                    : principal-id

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:51:03 PM

Managed identity for a datafactory is supposed to show up here, but it doesn't

satya - 11/18/2019, 3:51:17 PM

thats why I had to jump the powershell hoops

thats why I had to jump the powershell hoops

satya - 11/27/2019, 5:17:28 PM

Powershell extension for VSCode

Powershell extension for VSCode

satya - 11/28/2019, 11:17:46 AM

Azure automation and Powershell

satya - 11/28/2019, 11:38:38 AM

Powershell itself is documented here

Powershell itself is documented here

satya - 11/28/2019, 11:56:03 AM

There is something here

There is something here

satya - 11/28/2019, 12:42:03 PM

An exercise

//what is that command again with a Resource?
Az-GetCommand *azResource*

//ok I see it

//what kind of an object is an AzResource
//You can AzResource as a table with columns
Get-AzResource | Get-member

//Displays the members of Get-AzResource

//Explore the powershell core commands
Get-Command -module *core

//Expore utility commands
Get-Command -module *utility
Get-member is here in this module

satya - 11/28/2019, 12:44:49 PM

Lets look at a resource

//Get all resources

//Take a resource id of one of them
$res = Get-azResource -ResourceId res-id

//Print it out

You will notice that not all
properties are printed

//You can explicity print it
//for example

//you can then also do

//You can then tell if this resource
//is running or not

satya - 11/28/2019, 12:50:39 PM

here are the attributes of a resource object

Name                  MemberType
----                  ----------
Equals                    Method
GetHashCode               Method
GetType                   Method
ToString                  Method
ChangedTime             Property
CreatedTime             Property
ETag                    Property
ExtensionResourceName   Property
ExtensionResourceType   Property
Id                      Property
Identity                Property
Kind                    Property
Location                Property
ManagedBy               Property
Name                    Property
ParentResource          Property
Plan                    Property
Properties              Property
ResourceGroupName       Property
ResourceId              Property
ResourceName            Property
ResourceType            Property
Sku                     Property
SubscriptionId          Property
Tags                    Property
Type                    Property

satya - 11/28/2019, 12:51:05 PM

I have got this output from the command

Get-AzResource | Get-Member | Format-Table -Property name, membertype

satya - 11/28/2019, 12:52:29 PM

The format commands are in the utility module


satya - 11/28/2019, 12:56:07 PM

You can do this, hence

//This prints in a list format

//You can change that
Get-AzResource | Format-Table

satya - 11/28/2019, 1:00:27 PM

So, useful command so far

Get-Command -Verb Get -Noun AzVM* -Module Az.Compute
format-table -Propert some-prop-name

satya - 11/28/2019, 1:16:30 PM

where is a good command. do this

get-help where -examples

satya - 11/28/2019, 1:21:43 PM

where command

Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"}
Get-Service | where Status -eq "Stopped"

Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.WorkingSet -GT 25000*1024}
Get-Process | Where-Object WorkingSet -GT (25000*1024)

Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -Match "^p.*"}
Get-Process | Where-Object ProcessName -Match "^p.*"

-------- Example 4: Use the comparison statement format --------
Get-Process | Where-Object -Property Handles -GE -Value 1000
Get-Process | where Handles -GE 1000

--------- Example 5: Get commands based on properties ---------
# Use Where-Object to get commands that have any 
# value for the OutputType property of the command.
# This omits commands that do not have an OutputType 
#property and those that have an OutputType property, 
#but no property value.

Get-Command | where OutputType
Get-Command | where {$_.OutputType}

# Use Where-Object to get objects that are containers.
# This gets objects that have the 
#**PSIsContainer** property with a value 
# of $True and excludes all others.
Get-ChildItem | where PSIsContainer
Get-ChildItem | where {$_.PSIsContainer}

# Finally, use the Not operator (!) to 
#get objects that are not containers.
# This gets objects that do have 
#the **PSIsContainer** property and those 
#that have a value of $False for the **PSIsContainer** property.

Get-ChildItem | where {!$_.PSIsContainer}
# You cannot use the Not operator (!) in the 
#comparison statement format of the command.

Get-ChildItem | where PSIsContainer -eq $False

satya - 11/28/2019, 1:28:54 PM

Here is more documentation on working with objects

Here is more documentation on working with objects

satya - 11/28/2019, 1:44:43 PM

see what it looks like

-eq is equal to 1 -eq 1

-ne Is not equal to 1 -ne 2

-lt Is less than 1 -lt 2

-le Is less than or equal to 1 -le 2

-gt Is greater than 2 -gt 1

-ge Is greater than or equal to 2 -ge 1

-like Is like (wildcard comparison for text) "file.doc" -like "f*.do?"

-notlike Is not like (wildcard comparison for text) "file.doc" -notlike "p*.doc"

-contains Contains 1,2,3 -contains 1

-notcontains Does not contain 1,2,3 -notcontains 4

satya - 11/28/2019, 1:50:30 PM

So I can do this

Get-AzResource | where {$ -like "*somename*"

satya - 11/28/2019, 2:07:57 PM

use this with caution

//Tell me what is running in my account

$resources = Get-AzResource
foreach ($res in $resources) {
 $res1 = Get-AzResource -resourceid $res.resourceid
 if ($ -eq "Running")
     $ + " is running"

satya - 11/29/2019, 3:23:20 PM

Azure Cloudshell is documented here

Azure Cloudshell is documented here

satya - 11/29/2019, 3:44:30 PM

where is the language reference for Microsoft Powershell?

where is the language reference for Microsoft Powershell?

Search for: where is the language reference for Microsoft Powershell?

satya - 11/29/2019, 3:45:01 PM

There is some discussion on that here: SOF

There is some discussion on that here: SOF

satya - 11/29/2019, 4:00:21 PM

Free ebooks for powershell

Free ebooks for powershell

satya - 11/29/2019, 4:01:59 PM

Here is a link to one of those books: PDF

Here is a link to one of those books: PDF

satya - 11/29/2019, 4:17:08 PM

what is $home in azure cloud shell?

what is $home in azure cloud shell?

Search for: what is $home in azure cloud shell?

satya - 11/29/2019, 5:08:07 PM

Here are key microsoft documents related to powershell

1. Azure powershell homepage is here

2. Azure powershell is documented here

3. Azure Cloud shell is documented here

4. very brief introduction to cloud shell editor

5. Equally brief introduction to cloud shell. . Especially missing is a detailed information about how the storage and file references work

satya - 11/29/2019, 5:14:38 PM

How to create a new file in azure cloud shell editor?

How to create a new file in azure cloud shell editor?

Search for: How to create a new file in azure cloud shell editor?

satya - 11/29/2019, 5:34:03 PM

So this editor looks like this

satya - 11/29/2019, 5:36:21 PM

You can start the code editor by also clicking on the icon for code


satya - 11/29/2019, 5:38:01 PM

To see files that you create through the editor you have to do

The default shell has the root as

However for file shares do

cd $home

This will put me somewhere like

PS /home/satya

You will see here the files created by code

- 11/29/2019, 5:39:04 PM

To create a new file

there is no icon or command


On the command line 

make sure you are in 

PS /home/sayta> 

now type

code some-new-file.ps1

This creates a new file and opens it
in the editor

annonymous - 11/29/2019, 5:40:44 PM

Azure cloud shell editor videos

Azure cloud shell editor videos

Search for: Azure cloud shell editor videos

satya - 12/1/2019, 12:39:51 PM

Watching: Mastering Cloudshell: Thomas Maurer

satya - 12/1/2019, 12:40:50 PM

A good command: update-module powershell

A good command: update-module powershell

Search for: A good command: update-module powershell

satya - 12/1/2019, 12:58:27 PM

Additional notes

1. it is a linux based container

2. Understand azure dashboard and use one from the start

3. what is a file share in azure? Because cloudshell uses one.

4. wonder what cd $home different from cd cloudrive

5. dir seem to give diff results in bash and powershell

6. what is clouddrive/scripts? what is in there?

7. He may have created them before. There are .ps1 files and .cli files in his example

8. cli: seem to be just javascript objects

9. root directory in powershell is azure:\>

10. You can pipe to more all outputs

11. Get-module show me modules loaded

12. get-module -ListAvailable will show available modules. a longer list

13. Find-module *visualstudio will show visual studio module in the much longer registry

14. then you can do install-module...

satya - 12/1/2019, 1:07:08 PM

More notes ...

1. cd $home is specific it seems to powershell

2. Not sure what $home here is.

3. Appears it is better to put files under the clouddrive directory

4. You can upload and download files from local drives through ui menus

5. Or use the Export-file commandlet

6. you can go to azure drive view by typing cd azure:. This is how you go there if you were to do cd $home and go to cloud drive.

7. Look into what Get-PSDrive is. Some kind of a provider. There are providers for file system, Azure, Environment, Function, Variables. Type Get-PSDrive to see this list

satya - 12/2/2019, 2:02:52 PM

Next set of notes

1. A cloudshell is really an entry point into a VM provided by azure. it creates a file share as well under a storage account using "file" as the storage type as opposed to blobs or a database. This storage is mounted on to the vm into a home directory and a sub directory called "clouddrive"

2. On this cloudshell vm not only can you see this "clouddrive" and other OS related directories (containing tools like git, java etc) but also a simulated directory tree under a drive called "azure:". This is provided by something calls SHiPS provider.

3. One can navigate azure: drive using a) dir b) cd ./some-.... c) tab to auto-fill long names in azure like subscriptions, resource groups, vms etc.

4. Get-Clouddrive is a command that tells the details of the mounted cloud drive

5. You can see the clouddrive as a directory in the azure portal under the "file" designation of the storage account. This file share then can be used to create new files or directories from the portal itself.

6. There appears to be an OS image in the storage account as well along with the tools that comprises the shell. (More research needed to speak more of this, but doesn't like such deeper knowledge is needed to understand the cloudshell.

7. In a way the "file" or file shares appear to be a similar kind of storage to "blobs" as a way to persist data. Of course there is difference.

satya - 12/2/2019, 2:29:24 PM

More notes...

1. Get_command gives details about a command. Looks like you can use comma separated list of these commands. An example

2. Get_command vi, emacs, nano, code: will provide commands that can invoke these commands from the command line of the shell

3. There is a plugin for VScode on your local machine. it is called "Azure Account". You can use this to "open." (via command pallette ctrl-shift-p) the azure cloud shell inside vscode without going to a browser. It is not clear yet if vscode so used will open files in local vscode (to be checked)

4. Get-Credentials is a commandlet that can be used to save userid/password credetials in a variable which can then be supplied to various other login commands as an input

satya - 12/2/2019, 2:44:00 PM

What is equivalent to Get-ComputerInfo in azure cloudshell?

What is equivalent to Get-ComputerInfo in azure cloudshell?

Search for: What is equivalent to Get-ComputerInfo in azure cloudshell?

satya - 12/2/2019, 2:45:31 PM

Few cloudshell demo scripts from Git hub location of Thomas Maurer

Few cloudshell demo scripts from Git hub location of Thomas Maurer

satya - 12/2/2019, 2:53:12 PM

A cloudshell blog

A cloudshell blog

satya - 12/2/2019, 2:54:57 PM

What is

What is

Search for: What is

satya - 12/2/2019, 2:56:36 PM

A link to

A link to

satya - 12/2/2019, 2:57:09 PM

You can run powershell scripts from azure mobile portal as well.

You can run powershell scripts from azure mobile portal as well.

satya - 12/2/2019, 3:09:36 PM

Some powershell material from Pluralsight:John Savill

Some powershell material from Pluralsight:John Savill

satya - 12/2/2019, 3:49:22 PM

can you mount azure cloud drive as a local drive windows?

can you mount azure cloud drive as a local drive windows?

Search for: can you mount azure cloud drive as a local drive windows?

satya - 12/2/2019, 4:03:46 PM

Documentation: How to use an azure file share on windows

Documentation: How to use an azure file share on windows

satya - 12/2/2019, 4:08:30 PM

Useful AzureShell Commandlets

Get-Command -Verb Get -Noun AzVM* -Module Az.Compute
Get-Command vi, nano, code, emacs

Get-help Get-command

Get-AzResource | Get-member 

Format-table -Propert some-prop-name
Get-AzResource | Format-table ..options

Get-AzResource | Where-Object....

Get-Module #installed modules
Get-Module -ListAvailable #Show all available ones


#doesnt appear to be in CloudShell

satya - 12/2/2019, 4:40:28 PM

How can I access or go to the file-share of the cloud shell in the portal?

1. Go to

2. Locate the icon at the top for upload/download files

3. click on it

4. you will see a drop down

5. there is an item called "Manage file share"

6. that menu option will take you to the file share location in the portal in a separate browser window

satya - 12/2/2019, 5:38:11 PM

Documentation: How to debug azure file share problems

Documentation: How to debug azure file share problems

satya - 12/3/2019, 10:34:15 AM

command let for powershell version

command let for powershell version

Search for: command let for powershell version

satya - 12/3/2019, 10:35:07 AM

here is a discussion on SOF on this

here is a discussion on SOF on this

satya - 12/3/2019, 10:36:28 AM

Short answer

1. It is not a commandlet to get the version

2. Instead, apparently there are built in variables

3. $PSVersionTable will print the version

4. To know what variables are available use the commandlet Get-Variable

satya - 12/3/2019, 10:41:02 AM

Here is the output of Get-variable


satya - 12/3/2019, 10:46:44 AM

Get-Alias: Similarly you can find out about various aliases

#Show all aliases

#Show aliases starting with letter g
Get-Alias g*

satya - 12/3/2019, 10:48:50 AM

Default modules loaded on windows powershell

Get-Module | Format-Table -property name


satya - 12/3/2019, 10:53:39 AM

Here is how to install azure powershell module

Here is how to install azure powershell module

satya - 12/3/2019, 10:59:07 AM

What is PSGallery?

What is PSGallery?

Search for: What is PSGallery?

satya - 12/3/2019, 11:50:12 AM

Using Get-Help better

To see the examples, type: "get-help Set-AzContext -examples".

For more information, type: "get-help Set-AzContext -detailed".

For technical information, type: "get-help Set-AzContext -full".

For online help, type: "get-help Set-AzContext -online"

satya - 12/3/2019, 11:50:46 AM

How to see current subscription in azure powershell

How to see current subscription in azure powershell

Search for: How to see current subscription in azure powershell

satya - 12/3/2019, 11:55:27 AM



satya - 12/3/2019, 11:56:01 AM

The path to these commandlets

satya - 12/3/2019, 11:56:32 AM

Az.Accounts is an important module

Az.Accounts is an important module

satya - 12/3/2019, 12:09:57 PM

Choosing a subscription to work with in powershell


#Get a list of valid subscriptions

#See what is your current subscription

#Change to the desired subscription
Set-AzSubscription -subscription "sub-name"

#See the current subscription again

satya - 12/3/2019, 1:27:20 PM

Running a .ps1 file

//locate your directory
cd some-dir

//see files

//run it. This will not work

//but this will

satya - 12/3/2019, 2:12:30 PM

A .ps1 utility to debug file shares

A .ps1 utility to debug file shares

satya - 12/3/2019, 3:50:48 PM

Here is the command used to install Powershell azure modules

Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope AllUsers

satya - 12/3/2019, 3:51:46 PM

After the install the module list now is


satya - 12/3/2019, 4:18:45 PM

Using Git in cloudshell via personal access token is first mentioned here

Using Git in cloudshell via personal access token is first mentioned here

satya - 12/3/2019, 4:19:01 PM

Using Git credentials in Azure cloudshell

Using Git credentials in Azure cloudshell

Search for: Using Git credentials in Azure cloudshell

satya - 12/3/2019, 5:38:07 PM

How to enter command with password for git pull?

How to enter command with password for git pull?

satya - 12/4/2019, 5:22:58 PM

String processing in Powershell

String processing in Powershell

Search for: String processing in Powershell

satya - 12/4/2019, 5:23:54 PM

Microsoft Devblogs: Variable expansion in strings and here-strings

Microsoft Devblogs: Variable expansion in strings and here-strings

satya - 12/5/2019, 10:40:15 AM

Concepts/Learning path for Azure Powershell

satya - 12/5/2019, 10:41:54 AM

:) Just one small piece in a bigger picture

satya - 12/5/2019, 11:50:55 AM

windows powershell is documented here (not azure)

windows powershell is documented here (not azure)

satya - 12/5/2019, 11:55:32 AM

writing commandlets is here

writing commandlets is here

satya - 12/5/2019, 11:57:23 AM

writing functions is documented here

writing functions is documented here

satya - 12/5/2019, 12:14:26 PM

variable scope is documented here

variable scope is documented here

satya - 12/5/2019, 1:31:17 PM



satya - 12/5/2019, 1:33:46 PM

If clause

If clause

satya - 12/5/2019, 1:37:31 PM

More on functions and if statement

More on functions and if statement

satya - 12/5/2019, 1:42:03 PM

There are some howto guides here

There are some howto guides here

satya - 12/5/2019, 1:46:17 PM

Article: The Complete Guide to PowerShell Punctuation

Article: The Complete Guide to PowerShell Punctuation

satya - 12/5/2019, 1:54:04 PM

calling functions through Grouping Expression in powershell

calling functions through Grouping Expression in powershell

Search for: calling functions through Grouping Expression in powershell

satya - 12/5/2019, 1:56:41 PM


"Some string" + somefunc("hello")

#still wrong
"Some string" + somefunc "hello"

#still wrong
"Some string $(somefunc("hello")"

#Good: Group the func
"Some string" + (somefunc "hello")

#Good: Or another grouping
"Some string $(somefunc "hello")"

satya - 12/5/2019, 2:37:51 PM

Comparison operators

Comparison operators

satya - 12/5/2019, 2:39:35 PM

Reading an environment variable

function getEnvVariable($name)
    #Do this silently -ErrorAction ignore
    $value = Get-ChildItem -Path "Env:$name" -ErrorAction Ignore
    return $value

satya - 12/5/2019, 2:40:08 PM

How to call a commandlet to ignore intermediate error messages?

use the -ErrorAction Ignore

satya - 12/5/2019, 3:14:52 PM

Set environment variable

function setEnvVariaable ($name, $value)
    Set-Item -Path "Env:$name" -Value $value -ErrorAction Ignore

satya - 12/5/2019, 3:16:03 PM

Using Write-Host as a print statement

function main {

    $what = Read-Host -Prompt "What command: reset, show, set, otherwise"
    if ($what -eq "reset")
        Write-Host "Resetting token"
    elseif ($what -eq "show")
        Write-Host "Showing the Access token that is in the enviornment"
    elseif ($what -eq "set")
        Write-Host "Prompt and set the variable"
    Write-Host "Default. Nothing to be done"

satya - 12/5/2019, 3:17:04 PM

Beware the behavior of implicit returns in powershell functions

Beware the behavior of implicit returns in powershell functions

Search for: Beware the behavior of implicit returns in powershell functions

satya - 12/5/2019, 8:08:38 PM

You can help vscode by type hinting variables

#Call a function that returns a string
$curDir = getCurDir

#You can do this instead
#as needed
[String]$curDir = getCurDir

#Then vscode will tell you
#the properties and functions of String class

satya - 12/5/2019, 9:00:57 PM

Here is sample code article I posted on linkedin

Here is sample code article I posted on linkedin

satya - 12/7/2019, 7:09:12 PM

Helping vscode with type hints

#Get an element from an ordered dictionary
 function getADirectory ($seq) {
     [System.Collections.Hashtable]$d = $dirDictionary;
     [System.Collections.ICollection]$list = $d.Keys
     [string[]]$keyList = @($list.GetEnumerator())

satya - 12/7/2019, 7:12:00 PM

Because we use hash tables, arrays, and strings so often

We use hashtables, arrays and strings often in powershell script

It is good to know their types

This helps vscode to tell what methods are available on these variables

Especially the first time users

You can declutter the code later

These are useful not for maintenance but for first time coding

Once you are well vesed, you will remember the methods

For the reader that comes later, it is not necessary to know the types but just the method names. this is one way to navigate between typed and typeless environments

satya - 12/7/2019, 7:14:51 PM

How do I know the types?

Sometime using commandlet | Get-Member will tell you

But it is not possible all the time

Look up the powershell language reference to see the type used

Typically this type looks like "System.Collections..Hashtable"

If the vscode won't tell you the type returned by say "GetEnumerator", just google that type name and that will point to a C# class reference in .net at microsoft. Now you can tell the types returned

Plug that type name in vscode editor. now the editor will tell you the methods that you can cross check from web reference

satya - 12/9/2019, 11:26:12 AM

Measure-Object: Counting things in Powershell: Sum, Product, Average etc

#Count number of aliases

alias | Measure-Object
alias | Measure-Object -Property name

satya - 12/9/2019, 11:26:31 AM

Docs on Measure-Object

Docs on Measure-Object

satya - 12/9/2019, 11:27:11 AM

Language reference for module powershell.utility

Language reference for module powershell.utility

satya - 12/9/2019, 11:49:57 AM

Few hints

#Investigate the object type of an alias

#Why retrieve all aliases? Just get a few

alias | Select-Object -First 5  | get-member