Hugging Face

satya - 1/23/2024, 1:49:31 PM

Hugging face homepage

Hugging face homepage

satya - 1/23/2024, 2:08:46 PM

Quick tour of the transformer library

Quick tour of the transformer library

satya - 1/23/2024, 2:12:05 PM

What is the difference between hugging face transformers library and the inference API?

What is the difference between hugging face transformers library and the inference API?

Search for: What is the difference between hugging face transformers library and the inference API?

satya - 1/23/2024, 3:47:31 PM

Scikit, Pytorch, Tensorflow

  1. Scikit: A collection of ML algorithms to train, test, and deploy non traditional ML models
  2. Pytorch, TensorFlow: Core ground level libraries to run Deeplearning models, establish neural networks, run through data, train, test etc.

satya - 1/23/2024, 3:51:07 PM

Transformers library from HuggingFace

  1. For developing, training, or fine-tuning machine learning models. This library allows users to work with pre-trained models or to train their own models.
  2. Uses other libraries like Pytorch and Tensorflow underneath
  3. A large collection of models pretrained models
  4. Provides an execution Environment if needed
  5. It runs in the user's own environment, which means the user needs to manage the computational resources, dependencies, and everything else required to run the models.
  6. It supports multiple deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch and provides interfaces in several programming languages, predominantly Python.

satya - 1/23/2024, 3:53:44 PM

The Hugging Face inference API

  1. Models are managed in the cloud
  2. API simplifies the interaction with the models
  3. Used for using 'trained models', not to train them
  4. The models are classified into the type of tasks they do
  5. The API is also classified based on the tasks
  6. The API definition (signature which encompasses the inputs, outputs based on task) also varies by task
  7. Suitable for small to midsize companies

satya - 1/23/2024, 4:14:02 PM

Here is the HuggingFace TGI: Text Generation Inference Server

Here is the HuggingFace TGI: Text Generation Inference Server

satya - 2/9/2024, 7:43:55 AM

Inference api

Inference api