Command line python

satya - 1/24/2024, 4:32:56 PM

is there a python library that is used for writing command line apps?

is there a python library that is used for writing command line apps?

Search for: is there a python library that is used for writing command line apps?

satya - 1/24/2024, 4:34:51 PM

List of python libraries

  1. argparse
  2. Click
  3. docopt
  4. Fire
  5. Typer
  6. Python Fire

satya - 1/24/2024, 4:35:24 PM

In brief

  1. argparse: Argparse is a standard library module in Python that provides a flexible and easy-to-use way to parse command-line arguments. It allows you to define the arguments your script accepts and generates help messages.
  2. Click: Click is a third-party Python package that simplifies the creation of command-line interfaces. It's known for its simplicity and powerful features for building complex CLI applications.
  3. docopt: Docopt is another third-party library that allows you to define command-line interfaces using human-readable docstrings. It automatically generates argument parsers from the docstrings.
  4. Fire: Developed by Google, Fire is a library that automatically generates command-line interfaces from Python objects. It's especially useful for creating CLIs quickly and interactively.
  5. Typer: Typer is a fast, efficient, and easy-to-use library for building command-line applications. It's built on top of Click and provides a more Pythonic way to define CLIs.
  6. Python Fire: Python Fire is another library developed by Google that automatically generates command-line interfaces from Python code. It's particularly useful for turning Python functions into command-line tools.