Loading classes dynamically

satya - 3/9/2024, 9:53:21 PM

What does a fully qualified classname look like in python

class_name = "my_package.my_module.MyClass"

satya - 3/9/2024, 10:23:56 PM

Consider the following structure


   ....say file2 has a class name called "File2Class"


satya - 3/9/2024, 10:24:46 PM

Fully qualified name for File2Class is


# that is


satya - 3/9/2024, 10:25:36 PM

In this example the package names in this project are

  1. baselib
  2. configlib
  3. clientlib

satya - 3/9/2024, 10:26:11 PM

And the modules are (of course in their respective packages)

  1. file1
  2. file2
  3. file3

satya - 3/9/2024, 10:31:57 PM

Loading a module dynamically: importlib

import importlib

module_name = "mymodule"
mymodule = importlib.import_module(module_name)

satya - 3/9/2024, 10:33:09 PM

Checking for import errors dynamic or otherwise: ModuleNotFoundError

    import optionalmodule

except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print("optionalmodule is not installed.")

satya - 3/9/2024, 10:33:58 PM

To see if a module is loaded: via sys.modules

import sys

if "mymodule" in sys.modules:
    print("mymodule is already loaded.")
    print("mymodule is not loaded yet.")

satya - 3/9/2024, 11:04:33 PM

Example of loading classes dynamically

import importlib
from typing import Any, Type

def load_class(full_class_name: str) -> Any:
    module_name, class_name = full_class_name.rsplit('.', 1)
    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
    cls: Type[Any] = getattr(module, class_name)
    return cls()

def load_class_with_default(full_class_name: str, default_object: Any) -> Any:
        return load_class(full_class_name)
    except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
        log.logException(f"Module not found for {full_class_name}", e)
    except AttributeError as e:
        log.logException(f"Class not found for {full_class_name}", e)
    except Exception as e:
        log.logException(f"Failed to creae {full_class_name} ", e)
    return default_object

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:22:22 PM

Calling a constructor dynamically

def _createObjWithInit(cls: Type[Any], args: dict[str,Any]) -> Any:
    return cls(**args)

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:24:57 PM


  1. The ** operator takes a dictionary and allows the init method to parse its arguments based on the names of the arguments
  2. The **args expects a dictionary for "args"
  3. where as "*args" expects a tuple and a positional way of passing args
  4. The **args works even if the class has positional args only as long as their names match
  5. This covers for default args as well

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:27:13 PM

kwargs and the dictionary that gets passed and its contents

  1. If the dictionary has a key whose name is not a listed argument it will result in an error
  2. Unless the class init method has a **kwargs as one of its inputs
  3. In that case the additional args will be passed as the "kwargs" into the init function

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:28:08 PM

Consider this class

class TestClass():
    arg1: str
    arg2: int
    defaultarg: str
    def __init__(self, arg1: str
                 ,arg2: int, 
                 defaultarg: str = "charge"
                 , **kwargs: dict[str, Any]
        self.arg1 = arg1
        self.arg2 = arg2
        self.defaultarg = defaultarg
        log.info("Additional arguments")

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:29:29 PM

This demonstrates the following

  1. positional arguments: arg1, arg2
  2. default arguments: defaultarg
  3. A dictionary of variable arguments: **kwargs

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:31:55 PM

Lets see how this class can be instantiated dynamically in a variety of ways

* Creates an object by calling the "init" method
* Exepects to know the arguments to pass to the init method
* Useful for loadign data classes from configuration files
* Can also be used for factory classes where the constructor is virtualized
def _testCreateObjwithInit():
    cls = load_class("aspire_tinyapp.baselib.factoryutils.TestClass")

    # case: with kwargs as well
    # you cannot pass additional args if the class doesn't have kwargs
    # additional args can be just key value pairs and not a dictionary necesssarily
    # The unused params will go as kwargs (i think. tested. that is correct)
    #argDict = {"arg1": "hello", "arg2": 5, "additional_org": "additional_stuff", "and more": "stuff"}

    # case: without kwargs in the class
    # it will fail if you pass additional args
    # only the args that are expected will need to be passed
    #argDict = {"arg1": "hello", "arg2": 5, "additional_org": "additional_stuff", "and more": "stuff"}

    #case with the default args
    # default org will override the default value in the class
    # additional args passed as kwargs
    # if kwargs are ommitted in the class, passing them will result in an error
    argDict = {"arg1": "hello", "arg2": 5, 
               "defaultarg" : "default org", 
               "additional_org": "additional_stuff", 
               "and more": "stuff"}
    log.ph1("Reflection instantiation test")
    obj = _createObjWithInit(cls, argDict)
    log.info("Object field values")

    log.ph1("Direct instantiation test")
    obj = TestClass("hello", 1)

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:33:01 PM

case: without kwargs in the class

  1. It will fail if you pass additional args in the input dictionary
  2. Only the args that are expected by the init method will need to be passed

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:35:06 PM

case: with kwargs as well

  1. You cannot pass additional args if the class doesn't have kwargs
  2. Additional args can be just key value pairs and not a dictionary necessarily when you are passing them
  3. In other words you don't have to pass a dictionary
  4. The unused params by the init method will go as kwargs to the init method

satya - 3/30/2024, 3:37:24 PM

case with the default args

  1. default org will override the default value in the class
  2. either you can pass it or not
  3. additional args passed as kwargs
  4. if kwargs are ommitted in the class, passing them will result in an error

satya - 3/30/2024, 4:21:04 PM

Lets delve into figuring out the parameters of a constructor dynamically

def _getConstructorParams(cls):
    init_signature = inspect.signature(cls.__init__)
    params = []
    for name, param in init_signature.parameters.items():
        if name == 'self':
        param_type = param.annotation.__name__ if param.annotation is not param.empty else 'No Type Info'
        has_default = param.default is not param.empty
        param = SimpleParam(name, param_type, has_default)
    return params

satya - 3/30/2024, 4:21:57 PM

Essentials, for codegen

  1. Should return a list of parameters
  2. each parameter should be a tuple of (name, type, default)
  3. Should handle the case where there are no parameters
  4. should return an empty list in that case
  5. I just need to know if the param has a default or not
  6. I don't need "self" as a parameter
  7. I also just need the classtype as a "string" and not the actual class

satya - 3/30/2024, 4:22:21 PM

The SimpleParam class I needed

class SimpleParam():
    def __init__(self, name: str, type: str, default: bool):
        self.name = name
        self.type = type
        self.default = default

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"Name: {self.name}, Type: {self.type}, Default: {self.default}"

satya - 3/30/2024, 4:22:50 PM

Testing it

def _testGetConstructorParams():
        cls = load_class("aspire_tinyapp.baselib.factoryutils.TestClass")
        params = _getConstructorParams(cls)
        log.info("Constructor parameters")

satya - 3/30/2024, 4:23:30 PM

Prints out

[Name: arg1, Type: str, Default: False, 
Name: arg2, Type: int, Default: False, 
Name: defaultarg, Type: str, Default: True, 
Name: kwargs, Type: dict, Default: False]