You can use jsp with Aspire quite well. You will invoke the jsp page using a typical controller approach. Aspire will retrive the data set and transfers control to the jsp page. At the top of the jsp page you will retrieve this data set from the http request using an attribute name. What follows is a quick introduction to jsp and how to use jsps in aspire.

Create a JSP page

Consider the root of your web application under tomcat as


Imagine a sub directory and a file as follows


Using tomcat you will invoke this page using the following syntax


Where "myApp" is defined to tomcat to represent the "my-web-app" directory. So now you know how to create the jsp file that is recognizable to tomcat. Now let use what goes into the jsp file

Please note however that the invocation syntax for a jsp page is slightly different. Although you can invoke the jsp page directly as mentioned here you won't get the benefits of mvc unless you invoke it through aspire. Nevertheless it is quite reasonable sometimes to invoke the jsp page directly, especially public pages that do not need any data from the server side.

The jsp header

Any text file is a jsp file as well. But to be able to use Java APIs inside the body you will have to import some useful java classes. For Aspire the most useful imports are

<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>
<%@ page import="*" %>

You will place these three lines at the top of the page.

How to include another JSP file

One of the most useful things with JSPs is the ability to include other JSP files as server side includes. Here is the syntax and an example.

<%@include file="/myApp/jsps/testHeader.jsp" %>

How to get data into JSP from Aspire

Aspire stuffs the data object into the request using the name of "Aspire.formHandler". This data confirms to the "" interface. You can see the source code for the API to access this data

	ihds pageData = (ihds)request.getAttribute("Aspire.formHandler");
	if (pageData == null)
	   out.println("Some html segment about empty data set if needed");

How to write html from JSPs

Here is an example using the out.println

String say = "Hello world";

Here is an inline usage of JSP

<p>This is html. Let me say <%=say%>

<h3>Here is how you can use key value pairs from ihds</h3>

<p>This is html line1
<p>This is line2. 
	String key1=pageData.getValue("key1");
	String key2=pageData.getValue("key2");
<p>Thirdline <%=key1> and <%=key2>

Please note in the example above, the "pageData" must be retrieved from the request as shown in the previous code.

Here is how you delve into the named loops of ihds

	ihds foldersLoop = pageData.getChild("FoldersLoop");

<option value="<%=foldersLoop.getValue("folder_id")%>" > 

	} //close the for loop

Here is how you define data for this page

# Define the URL: ShowFiledReportsViewJSPURL
# Identify the transform as JSP
# Identify java class responsible for that transform

#Data definition

#Maindata request: Outside key value pairs
select first_name as user_first_name \
	,last_name as user_last_name \
	,email as user_email \
from users \
where user_id = {ownerUserId.quote}

# A loop of data for a loop called FoldersLoop
	select * from folders  \
	where 1=1 \
		and parent_folder_id is null \
		and public = 'Y' \
		and owner_user_id = {ownerUserId.quote} \
	order by folder_name 

Here is how you invoke the JSP page with Data


Notice how the "TestJSPURL" is translated into the real jsp page using the properties file to /jsps/test.jsp.


JSP syntax page from Sun

JDK 1.4 api docs. These will come handy when you are using java objects on the jsp page

Server side Java docs Once in a while you may have to refer to servlet related APIs in the JSP page

Satya - Tuesday, September 20, 2005 6:34:27 PM

Correction on the file path

In the following directive

<%@include file="/myapp/jsps/testHeader.jsp" %>

the "/myapp" part is wrong. The correct directive is

<%@include file="/jsps/testHeader.jsp" %>

Notice the missing web app prefix. If there is no leading "/" then the path will be relative to the original jsp file in which this is included.

Satya - Saturday, January 14, 2006 12:17:01 PM

Simplified syntax for jsp pages

Slightly stream lined syntax for jsp pages in newer releases

annonymous - Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:14:31 AM

Here is the syntax for usebean

This is useful in locating java beans

aspire - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:12:41 PM

Example jsp page

Example jsp page

You steal some coding syntax etc from here

aspire - Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:17:51 PM

Above properties rewritten with new syntax


#Maindata request: Outside key value pairs
select * from sometable where string_col={somekey.quote} \
and numeric_col={someother_key}

# A loop of data for a loop called FoldersLoop
select * from some other table

annonymous - Friday, November 30, 2007 2:51:47 PM

You can also use jsp functions as follows

String hello()
	return "helloworld";
...subsequently you can do
