Game timer countdowns

deepak - Mon Dec 19 2011 13:41:49 GMT-0500 (EST)

Creating a timer countdown for Android?

Creating a timer countdown for Android?

Search for: Creating a timer countdown for Android?

deepak - Mon Dec 19 2011 13:42:34 GMT-0500 (EST)

CountDownTimer SDK reference

CountDownTimer SDK reference

deepak - Mon Dec 19 2011 13:43:11 GMT-0500 (EST)

Sample code

new CountDownTimer(30000, 1000) {

     public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
         mTextField.setText("seconds remaining: " 
+ millisUntilFinished / 1000);

     public void onFinish() {

deepak - Mon Dec 19 2011 13:44:12 GMT-0500 (EST)

Another Sample code

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.CountDownTimer;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class CountDownTest extends Activity {
TextView tv; //textview to display the countdown
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
tv = new TextView(this);
//5000 is the starting number (in milliseconds)
//1000 is the number to count down each time (in milliseconds)
MyCount counter = new MyCount(5000,1000);
//countdowntimer is an abstract class, so extend it and fill in methods
public class MyCount extends CountDownTimer{
public MyCount(long millisInFuture, long countDownInterval) {
super(millisInFuture, countDownInterval);
public void onFinish() {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
tv.setText(?Left: ? + millisUntilFinished/1000);

deepak - Mon Dec 19 2011 13:48:23 GMT-0500 (EST)

Above one displays only in Seconds? I want the timer to be displayed in Minutes:Seconds

Above one displays only in Seconds? I want the timer to be displayed in Minutes:Seconds

deepak - Mon Dec 19 2011 13:53:55 GMT-0500 (EST)

Well its easy, when you set the text to the TextView, format the Time in any fashion you want

//Below code will format the time in Minutes:Seconds format

public String formatTime(long millis) { String output = "00:00"; long seconds = millis / 1000; long minutes = seconds / 60; seconds = seconds % 60; minutes = minutes % 60; String sec = String.valueOf(seconds); String min = String.valueOf(minutes); if (seconds < 10) sec = "0" + seconds; if (minutes < 10) min= "0" + minutes; output = min + " : " + sec; return output; }

deepak - Mon Dec 19 2011 14:25:39 GMT-0500 (EST)

How to do a Count up Timer?

How to do a Count up Timer?

deepak - Mon Jan 16 2012 22:45:10 GMT-0500 (EST)

Here is how you do a Count up timer

Here is how you do a Count up timer