Learn to say the alphabet here

learn the alphabet

The dictionary can be found at

Good dictionary: forgiving

a - as in cup, as in the first lettter of Telugu

e - as 'ay' in 'pay' or the the first letter of the English alphabet

i - as in 'e' or the second vowel of the telugu alphabet

b - is pronounced as a 'v'

z - is pronounced as a stressed 's'

j - as in 'h'

h - as in deep 'oh'

r - as in 'rr' or as in 'bandi ra' in Telugu

d, t or softer versions of their sounds

N~ as in Enya or there is a telugu version of it

an 'e' in spanish is an 'a' and and 'i' in spanish is an 'e' and an 'a' in spanish is an 'ah' in English.

carpeta - Kaar-pay-tah