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//Get your own package name

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

// Given an object manipulate it using reflection  
public class BeanInfo 
   //primary members
   public String xmlNodeName = null;
   private Class m_class;

   private List m_fieldList = new ArrayList();
   private List m_FieldInfoList = new ArrayList();
   private Map  m_FieldInfoMap = new HashMap();
   private static boolean xmlMapInitialized = false;
   private static Map m_xmlNameMap = new HashMap();

// Primary constructor  
   public BeanInfo(Class inClass) 
      throws NoSuchMethodException, NoSuchFieldException
      m_class = inClass;
      Field fieldArray[] = m_class.getDeclaredFields();
      for(int i=0;i<fieldArray.length;i++)
         Field thisField = fieldArray[i];
         String fieldName = thisField.getName();
      xmlNodeName = m_class.getName();
   public BeanInfo(Object bean) 
   throws NoSuchMethodException, NoSuchFieldException
// Give me all the field infos for this bean  
   public Iterator getFieldInfos()
      return m_FieldInfoList.iterator();
// Give me all the field names for this bean in a string format  
   public Iterator getFieldNames()
      return m_fieldList.iterator();
// Register an xml mapping for a particualr field
// This is like supplying metadata to the field
   public void registerMapping(String fieldName, String xmlName
                     , boolean isAttribute)
      FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo)m_FieldInfoMap.get(fieldName);
      if (fi == null)
         throw new RuntimeException(
            "No field information found for field:" + fieldName);
      fi.m_attribute = isAttribute;
// Remove a field from xml mapping
   public void unRegisterMapping(String fieldName)
      FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo)m_FieldInfoMap.get(fieldName);
      if (fi == null)
         throw new RuntimeException(
            "No field information found for field:" + fieldName);
// Access the fieldinfo for a more closer manipulation
   public FieldInfo getFieldInfo(String xmlName)
      FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo)m_xmlNameMap.get(xmlName);
      return fi;
// Once the bean mappings have been setup for a class
// Call this function to optimize it
// This might be mandatory
   public void optimize()
   private void registerField(String fieldName)
      throws NoSuchMethodException, NoSuchFieldException
      FieldInfo fi = new FieldInfo(m_class,fieldName);
      this.m_FieldInfoMap.put(fieldName, fi);
   public String getValueAsString(String fieldName, Object o)
      throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
      FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo)m_FieldInfoMap.get(fieldName);
      return fi.getValueAsString(o);
   public void registerMapping(String fieldName, String xmlName)
      registerMapping(fieldName, xmlName, false);
   private void initializeXmlMap()
      if (xmlMapInitialized == true) return;
      Iterator fieldInfos = getFieldInfos();
         FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo);
         String xmlName = fi.m_xmlName;
// Converting a bean to a string
// Exercises a good bit of the functionality of bean reflection
   public String toString(Object o)
      //Make sure the types are right 
      String myClassName = m_class.getName();
      String inClassName = o.getClass().getName();
      if (!(myClassName.equals(inClassName)))
         throw new RuntimeException(
            "Unexpected classname. Expecting " 
            + myClassName 
            + " but got " 
            + inClassName);
      //Get a buffer
      StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
      sbuf.append("Start writing the bean");
      //good to go
      //Get all public fields
      Iterator fieldInfos = this.getFieldInfos();
         FieldInfo fi = (FieldInfo);
         String fieldName = fi.m_name;
         String fieldXmlName = fi.m_xmlName;
         String value = "";
            value = fi.getValueAsString(o);
         catch(Exception x)
            value="Exception. The message is:" + x.getMessage();
         sbuf.append("\n" + fieldName + "='" + value + "'");
      return sbuf.toString();