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SableCC is an object-oriented framework that generates compilers (and interpreters) in the Java programming language. This framework is based on two fundamental design decisions. Firstly, the framework uses object-oriented techniques to automatically build a strictly-typed abstract syntax tree. Secondly, the framework generates tree-walker classes using an extended version of the visitor design pattern which enables the implementation of actions on the nodes of the abstract syntax tree using inheritance. These two design decisions lead to a tool that supports a shorter development cycle for constructing compilers.

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It is a search engine written on top of Lucene or uses lucene.

Compass is a powerful, transactional Object to Search Engine Mapping (OSEM) Java framework. Compass allows you to declaratively map your Object domain model to the underlying Search Engine, synchronising data changes between Index and different datasources. Compass provides a high level abstraction on top of the Lucene low level API. Compass also implements fast index operations and optimization and introduces transaction capabilities to the Search Engine.

Our aim for Compass is:

The simplest solution for enabling search capabilities within your application stack.

Promote the use of Search Engine as a lightweight application datasource. Easy extendable into any application model.

Provide rich Search Engine semantics to find application data. Synchronise data changes between Search Engine and datasource.

Write less code, find data quicker.

Apparently a list sorting/filtering heaven. Some of the tutorials at the site include

sorting tables
text filtering
list transformation
unique lists
dynamic filtering
list concurency

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AES encryption
Storing a record
Displaying a record

"We analyze the source code of production Java open source projects such as Ant, Tomcat and Batik and load that analysis into a java examples database designed for easy searching. You enter the name of a Java API Class you want to see example invocations of and click Search."

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by Mark stefik and Barbara Stefik.

Craigs list

Borland Chief Scientist Danny Thorpe on the idea of Linq

MSDN home page for LINQ

Don Box and Anders on Linq

Stands for language integrated query. Allows SQL like queries on lists, collections etc.