String.prototype.trim = function() {

// skip leading and trailing whitespace
// and return everything in between
  var x=this;
  x=x.replace(/^\s*(.*)/, "$1");
  x=x.replace(/(.*?)\s*$/, "$1");
  return x;

function testCheckboxes()
	selRows = getSelectedCheckBoxValues(document.mainform,"my_checkbox",",");
	selRowsArray = selRows.split(",");
	if (selRowsArray.length == 0)
		alert("No rows selected");
	firstId = selRowsArray[0];

	alert("First selection before trim is:" + firstId + ":");
	firstId = firstId.trim();
	alert("First selection is:" + firstId + ":");
	//firstId now contains the key for the next page

var itemArray = [
    {name: "Social", value: "12345678"},
    {name: "cell1", value: "12345678"},
    {name: "cell2", value: "12345678"}

Search for: add to a javascript array example

var sarr="cell3:654321";
var arr = sarr.split(":");
var obj = {name:arr[0],value:arr[1]};

var myarray = new Array();

var item1 = myarray["first"];
if (item1 != null)
   alert('not there');

var s = "    hhhhh  ";
var s1 = $.trim(s);

this trim only trims the front and the back

/* comment */

css conditional comments

Search for: css conditional comments

msdn string object

function gatherDivIdsWithAClassname(classname)
    var lDivIdArray = new Array();
    var divElementArray = $("." + classname);
        var curdiv = divElementArray[i];
        var curdivid = $(curdiv).attr("id");
    return lDivIdArray;

function removeChar(s, c)
   var i = s.indexOf(c);
   if (i == -1)
     return s;
   //it exists
   var front = s.substring(0,i);
   var back = s.substring(i+1);
   return front + back;

may not be the most efficient...

function spacethem(s)
  var ns = ""; 
  for (i=0; i<s.length; i++)
     ns = ns.concat(s.charAt(i));
     ns = ns.concat(" ");
  return ns;

//format: somesring(234)
//answer: ome (2nd, 3rd, and 4th letters)
function extractLetters(s)
  var i = s.indexOf('(');
  var j = s.indexOf(')');
  var letterNumbers = s.substring(i+1,j);
  var s1 = "";
  for (i=0;i<letterNumbers.length;i++)
     var charIndex = letterNumbers.charAt(i);
     var nCharIndex = parseInt(charIndex);
     var c = s.charAt(nCharIndex-1);
     s1= s1.concat(c);
  return s1;

Javascript null

Search for: Javascript null

function showPost()
   var fieldSpec="{{f_field_names}}";
   var fieldList = fieldSpec.split("|");
   var fieldSpecPost = "";
   var first = true;
       var indFieldSpec = fieldList[i];
       if (first == true)
         fieldSpecPost += getSamplePostForFieldSpec(indFieldSpec);
         fieldSpecPost += "&";
         fieldSpecPost += getSamplePostForFieldSpec(indFieldSpec);
function getSamplePostForFieldSpec(fieldSpec)
   var fieldSpecParts = fieldSpec.split(",");
   var fieldName = fieldSpecParts[0];
   var fieldType = fieldSpecParts[1];
   if (fieldType.indexOf("num") >= 0)
      //it is a number
      return fieldName + "=10";
   if (fieldType.indexOf("date") >= 0)
      //it is a date
      return fieldName + "=04/15/2012";
   return fieldName + "=" + fieldName + " value";


Reference to the string object

javascript instance of an array

Search for: javascript instance of an array

Use this SOF link

Here is array reference

var a = new Array();
var o = {field1:"value", field2: "value"};

See notes on regular expressions here