Arctic Sea and the Polar Ice Cap

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Interesting article

The average ice thickness of the arctic ice cap is only about 10 feet!

Whereas the antarctic ice sheet is 1.5 miles thick on the average

Great ice sheets that are formed on land

The arctic icesheet has formed on the ocean instead.

it is roughly the size of US
nearly lost 22% of its volume since the 50s
It has been around for 50 million years
It will reflect less light
Ocean will absorb more heat from sun
If completely melted it will only add 10% more volume to water

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Current extent of arctic ice cap: 4.1 million square miles

Roughly a circle of 1000 miles

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A good article from BBC

It is thinning faster than loosing cover

Incredibly though it lost 4 feet of its thickness in the last 30 years or so!

Read this article as well