ch1 pdf changes

It is anticipated that a number of manufacturers such as ASUS, HP, and Dell will be producing netbooks based on Android OS.

The figure is updated just get a copy and send it off for production.

In late 2008 Google has also released a hand held device called Android Dev Phone 1 that is capable of running Android applications without being tied to any cell phone provider network. The goal of this device (approximate cost $400.00) is to allow developers to experiment with a real device that can run Android OS with out any contracts. At around the same time Google has also released a bug fix version 1.1 of the OS that is solely based on 1.0. In releases 1.0 and 1.1 Android did not support soft key boards requiring the devices to carry physical keys. Android fixed this issue by releasing 1.5 SDK in April of 2009 along with a number of other featurs such as advanced media recording capabilities, and Live Folders. The last two chapters of this book are dedicated to exploring the features from this 1.5 SDk.

and Java Database Connectivity

Although unavailable in previous releases, starting with release 1.5 Android has simplified OpenGL so that it is approachable to begining OpenGL programmers. We will cover these improvements in chapter 13. The same SDK has also introduced a new concept called Live Folders which we will also cover in that chapter.

Prior to the 1.5 release you could only record audio but not video. Both audio and video recording is accomodated in 1.5 through MediaRecorder. This is covered with examples in Chapter 12. Chapter 12 also covers voice recognition along with the "Input Method Framework". "Input Method Framework" allows a variety of inputs to be interpreted as text while typing into text controls. The input methods include keyboard, voice, pen device, mouse etc. This framework was originally designed as part Java API 1.4 and you can read more about it at the following java site

android.appwidget:Implements the mechanism for allowing applications to publish their views in other applications such as the home page. The primary classes include AppWidgetHost, AppWidgetHostView, AppWidgetManager, AppWidgetProvider, AppWidgetProviderInfo. This package is available only in 1.5.

android.inputmethodservice: Implements the classes necessary for input methods as indicated in the Input

android.view.inputmethod: Implements the Input Method Framework architecture.

android.inputmethodservice: Implements the interfaces and base abstract classes necessary for writing input methods.

android.speech: contains constants for use with speech recognition