How to start emulator manually

You can find more information on this at

//go to: 
cd \your-sdk\tools

//list your avds
android list avds

//start the emulator
emulator -avd (name of the avd)


android emulator documentation

android the user data image is used by another emulator

Search for: android the user data image is used by another emulator

See if the following answer works

adb docs

All android tools

bitmap size exceeds vm budget android 2.3

Search for: bitmap size exceeds vm budget android 2.3

Read this on memory optimization

nativedecodeasset vm budget out of memory

Search for: nativedecodeasset vm budget out of memory

a bit of discussion on animation drawables and out of memory

animationdrawable out of memory

Search for: animationdrawable out of memory

setbackgroundresource animationdrawable out of memory

Search for: setbackgroundresource animationdrawable out of memory