Whats the difference between Green tea and Regular tea?

Whats the difference between Green tea and Regular tea?

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Green tea has less caffeine than regular tea

Green tea has the most anti-oxidants: HGCG

Search for: Green tea has the most anti-oxidants: HGCG

Green: doesn't go through fermentation (grassy)
white: partial fermentation of very young leaves
Oolong;  partial fermentation (medium bitter)
Blacktea: goes through fermentation (bitter)

But I am going to give pref to green tea!

which tea tastes better?

Search for: which tea tastes better?

A discussion on yelp about teas that taste good

Fascinating info on tea

Just one cup of green tea supplies 20-35 mg of EGCG, which has the highest antioxidant activity of all the green tea catechins.

Most tea brands for drinking with out sugar is awful

I have been trying all brands from publix

One has to think twice when a name you are recommending has "Bigelow" in it!! This tea is not bad because it almost doesn't taste like tea!! It has an earthy taste that is almost like a mint of rice broth!!

Show images for: Bigelow Cinnamon Stick

All tea tastes like dirt. I drink this with no sugar and no milk. It is reasonable to drink. I don't dislike it too much.

It seem to have a slight salty lemony taste. Not bad at all during evening.