inner function in javascript

inner functions in javascript

Search for: inner functions in javascript

here is a reasonable article

an inner function inherits the arguments and variables of the outer function!! what about the "this.var1"?

How can I refer to the outer function's this variable from an inner function in javascript?

Search for: How can I refer to the outer function's this variable from an inner function in javascript?

The this keyword in javascript refers to the object which invoked the function. If it is a function in the global object this will refer to window. If it is a constructor function and you invoke it with the new keyword, this will refer to the current instance.

This is a pretty good article on this subject

It appears that an inner function does not have access to the public variables of an outer function!!

'that' in javascript

Search for: 'that' in javascript

A good description of this issue/solution at sof

this and that in javascript

Search for: this and that in javascript