Data format standards

Health Data format standards

Search for: Health Data format standards

what is HL7?

Search for: what is HL7?

HL7 wikipedia

a set of international standards for transfer of clinical and administrative data between Hospital information systems

What is EHR (Electronic Health Record)

what is PHR

Apparently PHR is a special case of more general EHR when it is controlled by a patient.

OpenEHR link

what is the format of EHR? is it XML or HL7?

Search for: what is the format of EHR? is it XML or HL7?

HL7 and XML

Search for: HL7 and XML

A discussion on sof

HL7 2.x and 3.x

Search for: HL7 2.x and 3.x

apparently one is delimited and the later is xml

ANSI X12 837 (v5010) Professional, Institutional, and Dental Claims.
ANSI X12 834 (v4010 and v5010) Enrollment.
ANSI X12 820 (v5010) Premium Payment.
ANSI X12 270/271 (v5010) Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response.
ANSI X12 276/277 (v5010) Claim Status Request and Response.
ANSI X12 278 (v5010) Medical Clearance Inquiry and Response.
ANSI X12 997/999/TA1 acknowledgements in response to submissions.

x12 and hl7

Search for: x12 and hl7

differences between x12 and hl7

what is ncpdp?

Search for: what is ncpdp?

These are pharmacy standards

x12 hl7 ehr ncpdp

Search for: x12 hl7 ehr ncpdp

Public health data standards consortium

Here is a list of standards

HL7 - clinical data
DICOM - digital imaging and communications
HL7 CDA - Clinical document architecture
 (xml based, Patient Record)
CCR - continuity of care
CCOW - clinical context
LOINC - Names and codes (EHR could use)
ELINCS - lab test results
SNOMED - clinical terms
NCPDP - pharmacy
IHE - Integrated health enterprise 
  (clinical needs, patient care)
CCHIT - certifies HIT related stuff
HITSP - HIT panel on interoperability