Java enums

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public class SatSectionType
	public enum SectionTypeEnum {
		CR1, CR2, CR3, M1, M2, M3, W1, W2, W3, G
        //unrelated methods
	public SatSectionType(){}
	public String f_SatSectionType_id;
	public int f_number_of_questions;
	public String f_sectiontype_name;
	public String f_sectiontype_abbreviation;

	//Comparing a string to its enum value
	static boolean isM2(String type)
		return (SectionTypeEnum.M2 == SectionTypeEnum.valueOf(type));

//built in valueOf method
SomeEnumType x = SomeEnumType.valueOf(String x);

//Predefined statics

//Predefined collections
SomeEnumType.values() //returns an enumerable collection