Data factory outstanding questions

1. is adf v2 the main scheduler?

2. where is the general document on its scheduling capabilities?

3. Can it schedule both serverless and compute jobs?

4. what other schedulers are available in azure?

How to schedule work in azure through data factory?

Search for: How to schedule work in azure through data factory?

1. How to use a database in azure to keep track of long running jobs?

2. is azure SQL DB the right choice?

3. How about cosmos DB with serverless functions?

4. How about just a control file on the blob?

How to use a database in azure to keep track of long running jobs?

Search for: How to use a database in azure to keep track of long running jobs?

1. How can a pipeline note where it is at by reading or writing to a database?

2. is the look up activity used?

3. How is the data written? is that done through a stored proc?

4. can one use an azure function? which is better? which is faster?

How to read or update an azure DB from a data factory pipeline?

Search for: How to read or update an azure DB from a data factory pipeline?

1. How to transform parameter data to a pipeline?

2. Does one have to use an azure function?

3. can the declarative adf built-in functions do the job?

4. can one use adf transformations and mapping to do this?

How to transform parameter data to an azure data factory pipeline?

Search for: How to transform parameter data to an azure data factory pipeline?