Android Basic UI

0) Understand ListActivities, Views, and Adapters (3-Dec-14)

1) working with menus (27-Jul-14)

2) Here is one good way to document menus in your Android programs (26-Jul-14)

3) Saving persistent data: onPause() (9-May-14)

4) Notes on Instance state: OnRestoreInstanceState (9-May-14)

5) Working with Android onCreate() (9-May-14)

6) A kiddish Calc (16-Mar-14)

7) Introduction to Basic Android UI needs (4-Mar-14)

8) Why become a Mobile Developer? (23-Feb-14)

9) Intents: Discovery journal (21-Feb-14)

10) Understanding Intents (21-Feb-14)

11) What UI controls are available in Android? (18-Feb-14)

12) A Road map for Learning Android (2-Aug-13)

13) A simple framework for processing forms in Android (8-Mar-13)

14) Is there a better way to handle forms in Android (8-Mar-13)

15) How to work with Android ActionBar (3.0 feature) (29-Nov-12)

16) UX Resources for Android (28-Sep-12)

17) 02 Understanding Android Menus (20-Dec-11)

18) setting up an annonymous onclicklistener (16-Aug-11)