
0) How to use code snippets in vscode better (7-Mar-20)

1) What is AzurePSDrive provider, SHiPS? (2-Dec-19)

2) What is xterm.js? (29-Nov-19)

3) What is azure event grid? (21-Nov-19)

4) What is SQL Azure data warehouse? (26-Oct-19)

5) what is azure batch? (26-Oct-19)

6) How to use Visual Studio plugins for Azure Data factory coding (26-Oct-19)

7) What is HCAT in Azure and HDInsight? (26-Oct-19)

8) How can I open settings.json in vscode? (18-Sep-19)

9) Figure out python intellisense when types cannot be inferred (7-Sep-19)

10) How do I use python code snippets? (7-Sep-19)

11) Document the exact workings of git from VScode (2-Sep-19)

12) Understand VSCode command interpreter fully (2-Sep-19)

13) What happens to orphaned resource groups when databricks service is deleted (23-Aug-19)

14) How do you delete Job clusters in azure data bricks (23-Aug-19)

15) Develop a research article on Azure Data factory (22-Aug-19)

16) Understand Blob storage and its types (19-Aug-19)

17) What is DBFS (Databricks File System) and how best to use it? (19-Aug-19)

18) How to use azure tags effectively to provide fine grain security? (19-Aug-19)

19) How do I provide fine grained security to storage containers in Azure databricks? (19-Aug-19)

20) What are different blob types when uploading a file? (19-Aug-19)

21) What are the different authentication types in Azure? (19-Aug-19)

22) Understand and excel in Azure Cloudshell (18-Aug-19)

23) Why do notebooks require running clusters in Azure? (17-Aug-19)

24) Figure out how to view VM Core limits in Azure (17-Aug-19)

25) Understand AWS Serverless Application Repository (3-Jun-19)

26) Create a utility script that uploads lambda functions in node.js from Github (3-Jun-19)

27) Simple Exercise: Write a compound object property validator for JS objects (3-Jun-19)

28) How do you write npm modules that can be tested with RunKit (31-May-19)

29) Look for software that keeps in ftp site in sync with S3 on amazon (31-May-19)

30) Consider the ilk of Nodered or Nifi or Akka for the first step of Ingestion (30-May-19)

31) How best to store weather data in Parquet format? (28-May-19)

32) Setup EC2 on Amazon (28-May-19)

33) Design/use a dashboard in aws for events, exceptions, SLAs (25-May-19)

34) cli (25-May-19)

35) we need someone to be an expert in Node (25-May-19)

36) Find out what Glitch is all about and identify opportunities (25-May-19)

37) Twitter tags and Lambda functions (18-May-19)

38) Setup a minimal EC2 dev environment for Hadoop (11-May-19)

39) Essential Unix for Developers (11-May-19)