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Consider the ilk of Nodered or Nifi or Akka for the first step of Ingestion

Create a utility script that uploads lambda functions in node.js from Github

Design/use a dashboard in aws for events, exceptions, SLAs

Develop a research article on Azure Data factory

Document the exact workings of git from VScode

Essential Unix for Developers

Figure out how to view VM Core limits in Azure

Figure out python intellisense when types cannot be inferred

Find out what Glitch is all about and identify opportunities

How best to store weather data in Parquet format?

How can I open settings.json in vscode?

How do I provide fine grained security to storage containers in Azure databricks?

How do I use python code snippets?

How do you delete Job clusters in azure data bricks

How do you write npm modules that can be tested with RunKit

How to use azure tags effectively to provide fine grain security?

How to use code snippets in vscode better

How to use Visual Studio plugins for Azure Data factory coding

Look for software that keeps in ftp site in sync with S3 on amazon

Setup a minimal EC2 dev environment for Hadoop

21) Setup EC2 on Amazon


Setup EC2 on Amazon

Simple Exercise: Write a compound object property validator for JS objects

Twitter tags and Lambda functions

Understand and excel in Azure Cloudshell

Understand AWS Serverless Application Repository

Understand Blob storage and its types

Understand VSCode command interpreter fully

we need someone to be an expert in Node

What are different blob types when uploading a file?

What are the different authentication types in Azure?

What happens to orphaned resource groups when databricks service is deleted

32) what is azure batch?


what is azure batch?

What is azure event grid?

What is AzurePSDrive provider, SHiPS?

What is DBFS (Databricks File System) and how best to use it?

What is HCAT in Azure and HDInsight?

What is SQL Azure data warehouse?

38) What is xterm.js?


What is xterm.js?

Why do notebooks require running clusters in Azure?