
0) A crash course on SVN


A crash course on SVN

A sample page.tpl.php for bartik theme

Can I call stored procedures from liferay

3) code/data migration


code/data migration

domains and communities

5) Drupal and Ajax


how do i make ajax calls (answered)
how to take advantage of ajax in drupal
what modules/libraries exist for ajax
How is ajax integrated into drupal

drupal high level structure

7) Drupal notes


Drupal notes

8) drupal support


drupal support

9) drupal tokens


drupal tokens

Exercise 02: How can I remove blocks I don't want in my theme

Exercise I- drupal gardens

12) external sites


external sites

extract node parts module

14) forms



Gartners research on Web Content Management

How can I add login/log out links as part of a menu

How can I create a custom block

how can i include a css file for a module

How can I insert a block worth of content

how can I keep a command window not exit in a windows batch file

How can i print hello in a block?

How can I print hello in Drupal?

how can i read field values of a node

how can I redirect after a post?

How can I transform data into html

How can I turn off session time out during development?

How do permissions and resources work in liferay

How does liferay co-exist with other databases

29) install drupal 7


install drupal 7

30) Installing drupal


Installing drupal

integrating with ldap etc

32) jquery tool tip


jquery tool tip

33) jquery tooltip basis


jquery tooltip basis

liferay installation instructions: mahaveer

35) modules



36) mysql command line


Read on. This document will tell you how to run a command line interpreter for mysql. It will lead you to online references for mysql command line. It will tell you how to use the help command that comes with mysql script interpreter. It will speciifically, in detail documents how to load a table from a csv file. You may want to consider this option instead of writing a java program or a php program or others of that ilk.

See here for a PDF document that talks about a DOD recommendation. you will find here site references where this document is and a link to the pdf itself.

38) panels



PHP PECL PEAR: Installing php extensions such as db2 client.

Know that there are two approaches. Using PECL or statically compile the extensions. See towards the end of the document for a resolution and links to see the answer. The static approach uses the standard build system of unix that uses configure and make. Clearly the PECL approach is easier for newbies like me.

After all the research the bottom line answer is at this url

Pointers to getting field values and information

Credits: Jitesh Doshi

41) Portlet book research


Very early notes on portals. Probably deprecated now. Don't have to read this.

self registration into a specific community

43) Taxonomies



Themes II - create a simple theme

45) toc - pramod


Table of contents from Pramod

46) toc- satya


This document is a work sheet for satya to develop his idea of table of contents for the book. Initially it will have random ideas. Eventually it may have a side bar of table of contents.

47) tooltip-test content


tooltip-test content

48) understand firebug


understand firebug

49) understand php


understand php

Understand what I can do with a menu module

Introduction to themes
Review existing themes
write code that will switch a theme
you will need a menu item definition

using devel module to learn php

53) views



what are drupal .inc files

what are drupal snippets

what are render arrrays?

what is php filter module?

where to debug and see errors when I write modules in drupal?

59) why portals?


This is a series of questions I have prepared for IBM portal team. These may be purely questions with no answers.