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what does the following code do?

1. Positions the debug window to the right

2. Keeps a test button underneath the debug window

3. Creates a dynamic tree window on the left

4. Creates a text window underneath

5. Reads a URL for getting a list of folders and paints them in the tree window

6. Expands and collapses the tree using dynamic data

7. Tree window scrolls

To be done

1. when an item in a folder is selected, put the text in the text window

2. Simulate an outlook kind of interface

Goal is to create a working dynamic tree to dislay and manipulate in the content folders of AKC

Source code of basetree.lzx

Recently Laszlo, an XML platform for rich internet applications went open source. This platform applies an architecture that is similar to XUL and XAML to accomplish programming on the browser. Laszlo uses "Flash" as its execution platform resulting in unsurpassed browser compatibility, while requiring no Flash executables or license for development. Laszlo offers a fairly matured platform to exercise this architecture.

As Bill Grosso has already covered the basics of this platform on, in this article I will focus on some of language fundamentals that will come handy when you are experimenting with Laszlo.

Although the documentation on Laszlo site is quite good, it will take a while to cover all the variations even to get your footing. This article exposes some of the language aspects of Laszlo even for a casual reader.

Beginings of a dynamic tree. Working out the surroundings.
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Here is how you can make a call to a server for a set of folders and display them in a window.

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Laszlo is an open source platform for the development and delivery of rich Internet applications on the World Wide Web. It is released under the OSI-certified Common Public License.

11) Laszlo work definition


Research work definition for Laszlo