Drupal notes

Apparently by philosophy newer releases may host significant enhancements unencumbered by what was there before

All stuff on drupal.org and drupal itself are GPL 2.0

Contributors can retain license to their own code unless it is published on drupal.org

Drupal seem to have been developed as a host of modules. Everything else is secondary.

List of drupal modules

module developers guide

Drupal Request Routing

Search for: Drupal Request Routing

Drupal PDO: PHP Data Objects

Search for: Drupal PDO: PHP Data Objects

Drupal 7 and RDF

Search for: Drupal 7 and RDF

drupal forums: http://drupal.org/forums

case studies

security advisory

see if you can play around with basic page content type

Context module

This can control the placement of blocks based on context variables at run time.