install drupal 7

download install drupal 7

Search for: download install drupal 7

Install it from acquia as there are many distributions of drupal

here is their windows installer link

here is what is in acquia drupal distribution

you may not see the admin menus to see your modules etc. You have to login to do that. Use something like admin/admin to login assuming that is the userid you have used to set it up.

Also see if you can change the "sites" directory to a more accessbile directory on your main drive and not deep inside the windows hierarchy as suggested by the acquai installation program.

The key module "devel" doesn't seem to come with it

drupal 7 devel module install download

Search for: drupal 7 devel module install download

devel module home page

Go to the link above and download devel zip file

Unzip into


login and go to modules page. Enable the main "devel" module.

Go to structure/blocks and place the devel block in the "sidebar first" and save the configuration.

You will now see devel options on the left hand side right underneath login

unzip to /sites/all/modules
enable devel module
use structure/blocks to place the devel block in the theme