extract node parts module

drupal extract node parts module

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I have asked a question on this at drupal forum

drupal how can I read the contents of a node

Search for: drupal how can I read the contents of a node

here is a note on how to read the contents of a node

drupal api node_load

Search for: drupal api node_load

api reference for node_load

Here are all the functions in a node module

drupal node object

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fields of a node object

drupal retrieving fields of a node object

Search for: drupal retrieving fields of a node object

read this later on node/theming

what type is drupal node body

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lot of overwhelming info on body field

drupal db_result

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node table in drupal 7

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function stm_getBodyText()
	//load the node
	$node = node_load(2);
	//this will print the structure of
	//body on your web page for debugging
	//From that structure you will
	//see how to return the body value
	$body= $node->body['und'][0]['value'];
	return $body;