* usage:
* *************
* request.IHttpEvents.classname=
* Example:
* *************
* //Specify the primary event handler
* request.IHttpEvents.classname=com.ai.servlets.HttpEventDistributor
* //Specify any number of event handlers
* //Comment this out if there are none
* //The event handlers will be called in that order
* request.IHttpEvents.eventHandlerList=eventHandler1,eventHandler2
* // individual handlers
* //This handler will debug stuff
* request.eventHandler1.classname=com.ai.servlets.DefaultHttpEvents
* //This handler will set the character encoding to UTF-8 if none specified
* //Exclude this class if you want the servlet default encoding
* //Specialize this class if you need more dynamic setting
* request.eventHandler2.classname=com.ai.servlets.HttpRequestCharacterEncodingHandler
* request.eventHandler2.encoding=UTF-8
* Related files
* **************
* IHttpEvents
* DefaultHttpEvents
* DefaultHttpEvents1
* HttpEventDistributor
* HttpRequestCharacterEncodingHandler
* Build needed
* *********************
* Build 19 or above