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42 Can you break a prime number into equal parts?

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Take a prime number for example 7. You can break a prime number like that into 2 or more parts as long as they are unequal. So I can break 7 into 2 and a 5. or 3 and a 4. But those are not equal parts.

There is no way to break 7 into equal parts like you can do for 15. For 15 I can break it up into 5 equal parts with 3 each. But I can not do that for 7.

So a prime number by definition can not be broken down into equal parts

44 is 21 a prime number? if not why not?

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Yes. 21 is a prime number because it can be broken down into equal parts using 3 or 7 where 3 and 7 are factors for 21.

46 What factors are there to 36?

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6 x 6
9 x 4
12 x 3
18 x 2

48 Are there any factors for 51?

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There don't seem to be any. and hence rendering it prime

50 is 51 a prime number?

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there don't seem to be any factors for 51. so it is a prime number.

52 is 10 a composite number?

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Yes. because 10 has factors. 2 and 5.

54 is 27 a composite number?

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Yes because 27 can be broken down into 3 equal parts of 9 each. 27 has factors. 9 and 3. So 27 is a composite number.

56 How do you define a composite number?

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When a number has factors, or in other words when that number can be broken down into equal parts then that number is a composite number.

Any number that is not a prime number is a composite number as then it would have factors.

58 if a number is not a prime number is it a composite number?

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Yes. when a number is not prime, it can be broken down into equal parts because it would have factors. So every number that is not a prime number is a composite number.

60 if a number is an even number is it a composite number?

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Yes. Because by declaring the number as an even number you are saying it has factors and divisible. So that makes the number a composite number.

If a number is a composite number there is no guarantee that it is an even number. An odd number like 15 is divisible into equal parts and hence have factors like 3 and 5. So 15 is a composite number that is odd.

64 is every odd number a prime number? give an example

More documents like this are at:  numbers


Odd numbers can still have factors. For example 15 has 5 and 3 as factors. So most odd numbers are not prime numbers. Some odd numbers are. On the otherhand an even number is never a prime number.

By definition a prime number does not have any factors. So which means a prime number is not divisible by 2. So a prime number is an odd number because 2 is not one of its factors.

68 can a composite number be an odd number? give examples.

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For a number to be composite, it should be broken down into equal parts. Or in other words it should have factors. As long as it has factors it is a composite number.

Because a number is an odd number doesn't mean it doesn't have factors. for example 15 is an odd number and it has factors of 5 and 3.

So 15 is a composite number and an odd number at the same time.

02 is 8 an even number?

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Yes 8 is an even number because it is divisible by 2. 8 is an even number because it can be broken down into 2 equal parts.

What is the formula for volume of a rectangular box?

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volume = length x height x width
units: cubic feet, cubic meter, cubic centimeters

what is the formula for area of a rectangle?

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Area = length X width

What is the formula for perimeter for a rectangle?

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2 x (length + width)

What is the formula for density?

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Density is a measure of how much matter or mass is there in a unit of volume.

density = mass/volume

mass is measured in kilograms or pounds. volume is measured in cubib meters or cubic foot. so the units for density become

Kilograms/cubic meters


Pounds/cubic feet

divident/divisor = Quotient with Remainder


40/10 = 4
42/10 = 4 with a Remainder of 2


divisor X quotient + remainder = dividend

The above two division examples can be rewritten as the following multiplication examples

10 X 4 = 40
10 X 4 + 2 = 42

Solve the following division problems and rewrite them as multiplication problems and verify the answers

38 divided by 7
43 divided by 6


40/10 = 4
42/10 = 4 with a Remainder of 2


divisor X quotient + remainder = divident

The above two division examples can be rewritten as the following multiplication examples

10 X 4 = 40
10 X 4 + 2 = 42

Solve the following division problems and rewrite them as multiplication problems and verify the answers

38 divided by 7
43 divided by 6

48 List the approximate densities of some common materials

46 Calculate the volume for the following objects

More documents like this are at:  science matter


46 Calculate the volume for the following objects

44 Give 4 examples of material properties that don't change

42 Compare and contrast object properties and a material's natural properties

40 what is the formula for density?

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40 what is the formula for density?

38 What is density?

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38 What is density?

36 what is the formula for volume?

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36 what is the formula for volume?

34 what is volume?

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34 what is volume?

32 what are the units used to measure mass?

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32 what are the units used to measure mass?

30 what tool is used to measure mass?

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30 what tool is used to measure mass?