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import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

//Given a textual name of a field, set its value and get its value
//using a string interface.
public class FieldInfo 
   //For clarity of code I am not generating the getters and setters
   //Generate them before production
   //Primary fields
   //Inputs needed to construct this
   public String m_name = null;      //textual name of the field
   public String m_xmlName = null;      //an xml name alias for the field
   public boolean m_attribute = false;   //Is this an attribute
   private Class m_class = null;      //What class is this field part of
   //Derived fields
   public Method m_getAccessor = null;   //get method for the field value
   public Method m_setAccessor = null;   //set method for the field falue
   private Class m_fieldType = null;   //What is the java field type
   //Given an object of this type return the value as string
   String getValueAsString(Object o)
   throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
      Object reply = m_getAccessor.invoke(o,null);
      return reply.toString();
   //Given an object of this type set this fields value from a string
   public void setValueUsingString(Object o, String fieldValue)
   throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
      Object parameter = ReflectionUtils.getStringAsObject(m_fieldType.getName(),fieldValue);
      Object paramArray[] = new Object[1];
      paramArray[0] = parameter;
      Object reply = m_setAccessor.invoke(o,paramArray);
   //Primary constructor 
   public FieldInfo(Class fieldClass
               , String name
               , String xmlName
               , boolean isAttribute)
      throws NoSuchMethodException, NoSuchFieldException
      m_name = name;
      m_xmlName = xmlName;
      m_attribute = isAttribute;
      m_class = fieldClass;
      m_fieldType = getFieldType(name);
      m_getAccessor = getAccessorGetMethod(name);
      m_setAccessor = getAccessorSetMethod(name);
   //Default attribute constructor 
   public FieldInfo(Class fieldClass,String name, String xmlName) 
   throws NoSuchMethodException, NoSuchFieldException
   //Default xmlname and attribute constructor 
   public FieldInfo(Class fieldClass, String name) 
   throws NoSuchMethodException, NoSuchFieldException
   private Method getAccessorGetMethod(String fieldName)
      throws NoSuchMethodException
      String firstPart = fieldName.substring(0,1);
      String secondPart = fieldName.substring(1);
      String getMethodName = "get" + firstPart.toUpperCase() + secondPart;
      return m_class.getDeclaredMethod(getMethodName,null);
   private Method getAccessorSetMethod(String fieldName)
   throws NoSuchMethodException
      String firstPart = fieldName.substring(0,1);
      String secondPart = fieldName.substring(1);
      String getMethodName = "set" + firstPart.toUpperCase() + secondPart;
      Class parameters[] = new Class[1];
      parameters[0] = this.m_fieldType;
      return m_class.getDeclaredMethod(getMethodName,parameters);
   private Class getFieldType(String fieldName)
      throws NoSuchFieldException
      Field field = m_class.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
      Class fieldClass = field.getType();
      return fieldClass;
   private String getTypeName(String fieldName)
      return this.m_fieldType.getName();