This will be an exercise in synonyms. The more you can dream of the better you are to answer these.
Bony Frame Thin Outline Wire Old
Friend Bud Chum Mate Love Pair Couple Company Fellowship Synonym
Now figure out the rhymes for both
Bone (stone, moan, phone, hone, cone, alone, tone, zone) Frame (lame,maime,name,same,tame) Thin (bin,chin,fin,gin,kin,pin,sin,tin,win,zin) Outline Wire (dire,fire,hire,sire) Old (bold,cold,fold,gold,hold,mold,sold,told)
Look in the rhymes for a word that means a friend. we come up with kin for thin. That makes one possible pair THIN KIN
Let's do the opposite with Pal
Bud (dud, jud, mud, sud) Chum (bum, rum, gum, yum, sum, mum, tum, yum) Mate (bate, date, fate, gate, hate, late, rate, sate, tate, wait) Love (glove, dove, move, rove, dove) Pair (fair, hair, lair) The following are too many syllables to do Friend Couple Company Fellowship Synonym
Late means dead and could mean skeletal. Perhaps "dud" means dead meaning skeletal. That would give us two possible rhymes: Dud Bud or Late Mate