Verizon 4G wireless problem

satya - Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:50:38 AM

I get a connection error with 2101

I called in. The guy has advised me to remove the SIM card, wait for a couple of minutes and reinsert it. Apparently the verizon routers keep some memory regarding that SIM somewhere on their servers. So it may be good to refresh this once in a while.

Not sure if the simple act of reinserting works or if you have to call in to refresh the SIm memory on their servers

satya - Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:51:23 AM

what I have is UML 290

what I have is UML 290

satya - Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:52:28 AM

I don't think it is the best form factor or modem

A bit erratic. very fast when it works. You may need a laptop with multiple usb ports if you want to use it with out a tether.

satya - Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:53:40 AM

Here is the number to call: 1-800-922-0204

Here is the number to call: 1-800-922-0204

satya - Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:54:32 AM

here is their support page

here is their support page

satya - Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:54:49 AM

It does seem to work much better after the reset

It does seem to work much better after the reset

satya - Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:55:02 AM

and hoping I haven't spoken too soon....

and hoping I haven't spoken too soon....

satya - 3/26/2013 8:19:42 AM

Here is some information on VPN bungles

Here is some information on VPN bungles

satya - 3/26/2013 8:21:57 AM

Verizon software or modem has problems with windows updates on 3/25/2013!!!

Verizon software or modem has problems with windows updates on 3/25/2013!!!

satya - 3/26/2013 8:22:16 AM

Symptom: modem disconnects continuously...

Symptom: modem disconnects continuously...

satya - 3/26/2013 8:23:13 AM

quick fix: I had to uninstall the windows updates...

I will debug later. The rep suggested I reinstall the vzaccess manager after the updates. So I have downloaded it from

i haven't tried it yet!!!

satya - 3/26/2013 8:48:22 AM

Here is the download page for their VZAM software

Here is the download page for their VZAM software

satya - 3/26/2013 8:49:49 AM

Here is their support twitter page

Here is their support twitter page

satya - 3/26/2013 9:09:13 AM

vzam disconnects after windows 7 updates on uml 290

vzam disconnects after windows 7 updates on uml 290

Search for: vzam disconnects after windows 7 updates on uml 290

satya - 3/26/2013 10:03:12 AM

Should one need: here is a site to discuss evdo 4g etc

Should one need: here is a site to discuss evdo 4g etc

satya - 3/26/2013 8:04:33 PM

vzam vbscript error installing

vzam vbscript error installing

Search for: vzam vbscript error installing

satya - 3/27/2013 9:07:36 AM

Ghosts, Goblins, Just downright Possessions: Now McAffee on the same is not working either

as nothing else explains...

satya - 3/27/2013 9:09:53 AM

I have waved the wand of regsvr32 to register vbscript.dll and jscript.dll

as advised in numerous posts....None worked. So I suspected McAfee may be blocking it. I am in the good context of getting it uninstalled anyway, so I thought let me see if I can uninstall it and see vzam installation works.

Guess what, mcafee just doesn't work. It shows blank screens. Tried uninstall. Same blank screens. Almost playing dead....

satya - 3/27/2013 9:10:15 AM

Executable to remove mcafee from your windows machine

Executable to remove mcafee from your windows machine

Search for: Executable to remove mcafee from your windows machine

satya - 3/27/2013 9:12:03 AM

Here is some documentation on MCPR.exe from mcafee

Here is some documentation on MCPR.exe from mcafee

you will need this program to download. But pay attention to what site you download it from. Make sure it is from a well known site to avoid viruses creeping in through the trojans.

satya - 3/27/2013 9:12:13 AM



Search for: mcpr.exe

satya - 3/27/2013 9:13:51 AM

So I have uninstalled mcafee and installed bitdefender as I have a 3 machine license

I don't if other virus product does this but the 3 machine license is very nice of bitdefender.

satya - 3/27/2013 9:15:14 AM

Now back to my original problem of reinstalling VZAM

and see if that fixes the instant disconnects of the uml 290. It installed successfully. that was last night.

This morning connected the uml 290 and it seem to work well so far. It is about 15 minutes stable connection!!!