This is a page that outlines how to load eclipse ADT projects that are associated with the Expert Android book. The zip files for all the chapters are available here. We have used Android 4.x to develop these projects. These projects should work with any compatible eclipse and JDK that is recommended by the Android 4.x tool set.

The general approach is as follows

Download the zip file for a chapter.
Unzip the file into a staging directory.
Make sure you have 4.0 or recent Android SDK
Use Eclispe import command to import the project
If there are errors, clean the project and rebuild it through eclipse ADT

if you have trouble you can reach us at or

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Some other useful links

Here are detailed instructions on importing projects for Pro Android 4. As the methodology is same for Expert Android as well you may find this more detailed than the instructions here.

Here is a reference to a number of topics around installing android, and debugging simple errors in the ADT.