Help/Sample scripts for page and folder menus

satya - 2/21/2014 3:19:29 PM

Here is how you add a page menu to a folder through its segment

* Menu1
<div class="pagemenu1">
<p class="header">Back to..</p>

<p><a href="link-goes-here">Main Android Notes and Links</a>

<p><a href="another-link-goes-here">Main Android Notes and Links</a>


satya - 2/21/2014 3:20:03 PM

Here is how you add a folder contents widget to a folder menu

* This folder
<div class="akc_expand" type="folderWidget">

satya - 3/17/2014 10:25:15 AM

Here is the sample code for ad banner: 2nd strip

<div class="akc_expand1 sb1t-shell-div" type="Banner2Widget">
<script type="text">
<!-- Android Books -->
           <title>Pro Android 4</title>
Pro Android 4: Extensive Programming Guide for Android Tablets and Phones.  
<!-- Free chapters -->
           <title>Pro Android 4</title>
Download Free Android SDK Chapters From Previous Pro Android Editions.  
* Expert Android
           <title>Pro Android 3</title>
Free Android Training: Come to JaxMUG for 3 hours on Aug 6th!   
* Ted
See a list of Extraordinary TED Sessions  
* Jobs
How Modern Societies are failing their young: The Jobs Crisis  
* End of Secondary banner items

<!-- end secondary banner -->