An activity or window in Android is a collaboration or collusion of a number of assets such as the activity java file, the layout file, the menu files, the string values xml file etc.

You may want to tie these files together through documentation. For example in the activity file you want to indicate what menu files are used and what layout files are used.

Similarly in the menus file you want to document each menu item and indicate what it does and what java file it is implemented in. What follows is a quick example.

You may want to further embellish it more than what is in here.

satya - 7/26/2014 8:48:21 AM

A documented android menu file example

<menu xmlns:android="">
    <!-- This group uses the default category. -->
    <group android:id="@+id/menuGroup_Main">

        * Fire an alarm once.
        * See the LogCat for a response in 30 seconds
        * Implemented in file 
        <item android:id="@+id/menu_alarm_once"
            android:title="Alarm Once" />

        * Fire an alarm repeatedly.
        * See the LogCat for a response in 30 seconds
        * Alarm will repeat every 5 secs after that
        * Implemented in file 
        <item android:id="@+id/menu_alarm_repeated"
            android:title="Alarm Repeat" />
        * Cancel the repeating Alarm.
        * See the logcat and see that the repeating alarm has stopped
        * Implemented in file 
        <item android:id="@+id/menu_alarm_cancel"
            android:title="Cancel Repeat Alarm" />
        * Schedule the same intent multiple times.
        * Only the last one takes effect
        * Implemented in file 
        <item android:id="@+id/menu_alarm_multiple"
            android:title="Multiple Alarms" />
        Scheduling a series of 4 distinct alarms with the same intent.
        The intent will be made distinct using the request id.
        See the logcat for messages from each of the alarms.
        You may want to cancel the previous alarms using the cancel alarms menu item.
        Implemented in file 
        <item android:id="@+id/menu_alarm_distinct_intents"
            android:title="Distinct Intents" />
        If you schedule an alarm multiple times on the same intent
        the last alarm will override the previous ones.
        In this example a single shot alarm overrides the repeating alarm
        when set on the same intent. See logcat that you won\'t see the
        repeating alarm but gets fired only once. 
        \n\nSchdeduling Repeating alarm in 5 sec interval starting at: %s
        Implemented in file 
        <item android:id="@+id/menu_alarm_intent_primacy"
            android:title="Intent Primacy" />
        This menu item clears the activity screen much like a debug console
        <item android:id="@+id/menu_clear"
        android:title="clear" />