Dell Boomi Installation Requirements

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:00:09 AM

Dell Boomi Linux Instllation Requirements

Dell Boomi Linux Instllation Requirements

Search for: Dell Boomi Linux Instllation Requirements

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:04:36 AM

Here are molecule system requirements

Here are molecule system requirements

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:06:43 AM

Supports only Windows and Linux, 32 or 64 bit

Supports only Windows and Linux, 32 or 64 bit

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:06:57 AM

Does not support other unix variants althought it may run

Does not support other unix variants althought it may run

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:09:52 AM

Here is the recommended higher configuration

Processor: Dual 64-bit processors or higher. More processors allow for increased, simultaneous process executions

Memory: 4 GB of RAM (minimum 2 GB dedicated to Atom, Molecule node or Cloud Molecule). More RAM allows for increased, simultaneous process executions

Hard Disk: 100?200 GB of hard disk space. Increase purging levels to minimize Atom, Molecule node or Cloud Molecule disk space

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:10:30 AM

Expected support of load at this configuration

100,000 records per hour, or receive 100 requests per minute, or process files larger than 2 GB, that would be considered ?high volume?.

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:14:22 AM

minimum number of machines required for operation is two

One shared file server
One Molecule node or Cloud Molecule

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:15:02 AM

Minimum number of machines required for full failover is four (4)

One shared file server
One backup shared file server
Two Molecule nodes or Cloud Molecules

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:16:28 AM

You need a shared filesystem

You need a shared filesystem

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:18:10 AM

Only Oracle JDK is supported

If you are installing a Cloud Molecule, you must install the Oracle JDK. We currently do not support any other JDK.

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:18:30 AM

All you need is SE and not EE

All you need is SE and not EE

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:19:11 AM

More on JDKs

It is recommended that all machines in the Molecule or Atom Cloud have the same version of Java installed. Java must be located in the same directory on each machine (i.e., C:/Program Files/Java/jre7 for Windows or /usr/local/java for Linux).

During installation, make sure Java is in your path and directed to the Java binary.

On Linux, the path to Java must not include symlinks.

satya - 7/31/2015, 9:20:59 AM

More on molecules and atoms

More on molecules and atoms