XML processing with Groovy

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:30:36 PM

basics of XML binding in Groovy

basics of XML binding in Groovy

Search for: basics of XML binding in Groovy

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:30:51 PM

How do you define objects in Groovy?

How do you define objects in Groovy?

Search for: How do you define objects in Groovy?

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:36:46 PM

This is nice

def xml = """
<langs type="current">
def langs = new XmlParser().parseText(xml)
println "type = ${langs.attribute("type")}"
  println it.text()

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:37:49 PM

Taken from IBM link: Scott Davis 2009

Taken from IBM link: Scott Davis 2009

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:40:34 PM

Here is some more magic

def sw = new StringWriter()
def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(sw)
xml.langs(type:"current", count:3, mainstream:true){
  language(flavor:"static", version:"1.5", "Java")
  language(flavor:"dynamic", version:"1.6.0", "Groovy")
  language(flavor:"dynamic", version:"1.9", "JavaScript")
println sw
<langs type='current' count='3' mainstream='true'>
  <language flavor='static' version='1.5'>Java</language>
  <language flavor='dynamic' version='1.6.0'>Groovy</language>
  <language flavor='dynamic' version='1.9'>JavaScript</language>

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:46:36 PM

Groovy language reference

Groovy language reference

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:53:45 PM

Does Boomi groovy support groovy classes?

Does Boomi groovy support groovy classes?

Search for: Does Boomi groovy support groovy classes?

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:55:37 PM

A boomi link: (you have to login :( )

A boomi link: (you have to login :( )

satya - 9/14/2016, 6:58:39 PM

what is the state of groovy programming language?

what is the state of groovy programming language?

Search for: what is the state of groovy programming language?

satya - 9/14/2016, 7:06:15 PM

Groovy Object to XML

Groovy Object to XML

Search for: Groovy Object to XML

satya - 9/14/2016, 7:19:03 PM

XML processing in groovy

XML processing in groovy

satya - 9/14/2016, 7:21:06 PM

groovy associative arrays

groovy associative arrays

Search for: groovy associative arrays

satya - 9/14/2016, 7:23:56 PM

Can groovy script contain groovy classes?

Can groovy script contain groovy classes?

Search for: Can groovy script contain groovy classes?

satya - 9/14/2016, 7:29:50 PM

declare groovy classes dynamically in groovy script

declare groovy classes dynamically in groovy script

Search for: declare groovy classes dynamically in groovy script

satya - 9/14/2016, 7:49:14 PM

How do I build an XML structure dynamically with Groovy?

How do I build an XML structure dynamically with Groovy?

Search for: How do I build an XML structure dynamically with Groovy?

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:02:32 PM

Can I define a class on the fly in Groovy?

Can I define a class on the fly in Groovy?

Search for: Can I define a class on the fly in Groovy?

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:05:13 PM

Here is a link to define a class on the fly in Groovy?

Here is a link to define a class on the fly in Groovy?

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:05:40 PM



Search for: GroovyClassLoader.parseClass()

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:11:19 PM

Can I define a class on the fly from a string in Groovy?

Can I define a class on the fly from a string in Groovy?

Search for: Can I define a class on the fly from a string in Groovy?

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:12:53 PM

Executing groovy script from groovy scrpit

Executing groovy script from groovy scrpit

Search for: Executing groovy script from groovy scrpit

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:14:58 PM

Here is a link from SOF: load-script-from-groovy-script

Here is a link from SOF: load-script-from-groovy-script

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:15:24 PM



Search for: GroovyShell

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:15:40 PM



Search for: GroovyScriptEngine

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:16:24 PM



Search for: this.metaClass.mixin

satya - 9/14/2016, 8:19:54 PM

Groovy evaluate function

Groovy evaluate function

Search for: Groovy evaluate function