Git directory structure

satya - 4/11/2018, 9:46:43 AM

Here is what a repo may look like


satya - 4/11/2018, 5:05:43 PM

at any time git status will tell you this

Displays paths that have differences between the index file and the current HEAD commit

paths that have differences between the working tree and the index file

paths in the working tree that are not tracked by Git (and are not ignored by gitignore)

satya - 3/10/2019, 5:01:42 PM

Git Directory Structure

Git Directory Structure

Search for: Git Directory Structure

satya - 3/10/2019, 5:11:43 PM

A good Summary of Git Terminology

A good Summary of Git Terminology

satya - 3/10/2019, 5:14:46 PM

what does it look like

some-root  \your-code
  \.git      \...many many sub directories
      \will be staged here (through indexing)
      \will be committed for various branches

satya - 3/10/2019, 5:15:17 PM

HEAD in the picture above refers to the branch where the current staged files are committed

HEAD in the picture above refers to the branch where the current staged files are committed

satya - 3/10/2019, 5:15:51 PM

Keep in mind they are all local (all areas)

Keep in mind they are all local (all areas)