command line options for gradle

satya - 7/14/2018, 5:35:47 PM

These are documented here

These are documented here

satya - 8/1/2018, 8:00:54 AM

Useful commands

gradle -v

//initialize a dir for gradle builds
gradle init

//See what tasks are available
gradle tasks

satya - 8/1/2018, 8:08:46 AM

Just like init, boot strapping for other types of builds is important. here is a link

Just like init, boot strapping for other types of builds is important. here is a link

satya - 8/1/2018, 8:10:03 AM

The init (task) sets up build directory structure

The init (task) sets up build directory structure

satya - 8/1/2018, 8:13:07 AM

To create a directory for java builds

gradle init --type java-library
gradle init --type java-application

satya - 8/1/2018, 8:13:28 AM

The list of available build types are documented here

The list of available build types are documented here

satya - 8/1/2018, 8:15:44 AM

Gradle options long form (--) and short form (-)

-v is same as --version
-q is same as --quite

satya - 8/1/2018, 8:16:01 AM

To know all the options type

gradle -h


gradle --help

satya - 3/18/2019, 1:54:23 PM

What is the gradle daemon?

What is the gradle daemon?

Search for: What is the gradle daemon?

satya - 3/18/2019, 1:54:45 PM

Gradle daemon is documented here

Gradle daemon is documented here

satya - 3/18/2019, 1:55:04 PM

When you try to build with gradle it starts a daemon program

When you try to build with gradle it starts a daemon program

satya - 3/18/2019, 1:55:57 PM

Here is why the daemon...

Gradle runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and uses several supporting libraries that require a non-trivial initialization time. As a result, it can sometimes seem a little slow to start. The solution to this problem is the Gradle Daemon: a long-lived background process that executes your builds much more quickly than would otherwise be the case. We accomplish this by avoiding the expensive bootstrapping process as well as leveraging caching, by keeping data about your project in memory. Running Gradle builds with the Daemon is no different than without. Simply configure whether you want to use it or not - everything else is handled transparently by Gradle.

satya - 3/18/2019, 1:57:26 PM

The gradle global properties file is here


satya - 3/18/2019, 1:57:49 PM

You can disable the daemon this way


satya - 3/18/2019, 1:58:32 PM

You can stop it

gradle --stop

satya - 3/18/2019, 1:59:57 PM

In Eclipse...

The Gradle Tooling API that is used by IDEs and other tools to integrate with Gradle always uses the Gradle Daemon to execute builds. If you are executing Gradle builds from within your IDE you are using the Gradle Daemon and do not need to enable it for your environment.

satya - 3/18/2019, 2:01:16 PM

The tooling API is documented here

The tooling API is documented here

satya - 3/18/2019, 2:02:15 PM

It is primarily used for programatical control of the gradle builds, as in IDEs.

It is primarily used for programatical control of the gradle builds, as in IDEs.