
satya - 1/6/2019, 2:04:07 PM

Cassandra architecture

Cassandra architecture

Search for: Cassandra architecture

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:06:05 PM

An artcile from Dzone on cassandra architecture

An artcile from Dzone on cassandra architecture

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:08:13 PM

Key elements

On a cluster of nodes
Large volumes of data
High availability
High write throughput
High read throughput
No master nodes
No single point of failure

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:08:59 PM

How does cassandra partitions its data?

How does cassandra partitions its data?

Search for: How does cassandra partitions its data?

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:11:37 PM

writes in cassandra

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:11:55 PM

Above taken from

Above taken from

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:15:37 PM

How does cassandra partitions data among its cluster of nodes

How does cassandra partitions data among its cluster of nodes

Search for: How does cassandra partitions data among its cluster of nodes

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:17:29 PM

Docs on data replication of cassandra

Docs on data replication of cassandra

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:19:49 PM

Arch in brief from docs

Arch in brief from docs

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:20:50 PM


A sequentially written commit log on each node captures write activity to ensure data durability. Data is then indexed and written to an in-memory structure, called a memtable, which resembles a write-back cache. Each time the memory structure is full, the data is written to disk in an SSTables data file. All writes are automatically partitioned and replicated throughout the cluster. Cassandra periodically consolidates SSTables using a process called compaction, discarding obsolete data marked for deletion with a tombstone. To ensure all data across the cluster stays consistent, various repair mechanisms are employed.

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:36:40 PM

Partitioning of data on multiple nodes based on a key is explained here

Partitioning of data on multiple nodes based on a key is explained here

satya - 1/6/2019, 2:38:13 PM


satya - 1/7/2019, 1:29:09 PM

cassandra replicas data center cluster

cassandra replicas data center cluster

Search for: cassandra replicas data center cluster

satya - 1/7/2019, 1:30:18 PM

Partitioning vs replication in Cassandra

Partitioning vs replication in Cassandra

Search for: Partitioning vs replication in Cassandra

satya - 1/7/2019, 1:33:46 PM

What are consistency levels in Cassandra: Local_Quorum

What are consistency levels in Cassandra: Local_Quorum

Search for: What are consistency levels in Cassandra: Local_Quorum

satya - 1/7/2019, 1:34:23 PM

what are key spaces in cassandra?

what are key spaces in cassandra?

Search for: what are key spaces in cassandra?

satya - 1/7/2019, 1:36:08 PM

Cluster, Data center, Node

Cluster, Data center, Node

satya - 1/7/2019, 1:36:51 PM


A Cluster is a collection of Data Centers.

A Data Center is a collection of Racks.

A Rack is a collection of Servers.

A Server contains 256 virtual nodes (or vnodes) by default.

A vnode is the data storage layer within a server.

satya - 1/7/2019, 1:42:18 PM

How does cassandra replicate data across data centers?

How does cassandra replicate data across data centers?

Search for: How does cassandra replicate data across data centers?

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:07:31 PM

Setting up multiple data centers for cassandra

Setting up multiple data centers for cassandra

Search for: Setting up multiple data centers for cassandra

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:11:47 PM

This articles clarifies a few things

This articles clarifies a few things

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:12:08 PM


If you have two data-centers -- you basically have complete data in each data-center. And if you have set replication factor, say, 2 for each data-center -- this means each data-center will have 2 copies of the data.

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:16:19 PM

what is a seed node in cassandra?

what is a seed node in cassandra?

Search for: what is a seed node in cassandra?

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:18:35 PM

What are snitches in cassandra?

What are snitches in cassandra?

Search for: What are snitches in cassandra?

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:18:50 PM

You can read up on snitches here

You can read up on snitches here

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:19:06 PM


A snitch determines which datacenters and racks nodes belong to. They inform Cassandra about the network topology so that requests are routed efficiently and allows Cassandra to distribute replicas by grouping machines into datacenters and racks. Specifically, the replication strategy places the replicas based on the information provided by the new snitch. All nodes must return to the same rack and datacenter. Cassandra does its best not to have more than one replica on the same rack (which is not necessarily a physical location).

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:36:42 PM

SimpleStrategy and Network topology Strategy differences

SimpleStrategy and Network topology Strategy differences

Search for: SimpleStrategy and Network topology Strategy differences

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:40:36 PM

A good read on cassandra architecture from an external perspective

A good read on cassandra architecture from an external perspective

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:47:06 PM

This seem like a down to earth article on replication

This seem like a down to earth article on replication

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:54:07 PM

Another article

Another article

satya - 1/7/2019, 2:54:45 PM

Example of topology