What is AWS Athena?

satya - 5/5/2019, 8:36:54 PM

This will have questions on Athena

This will have questions on Athena

satya - 5/5/2019, 8:37:03 PM

This may end up being a meta document

This may end up being a meta document

satya - 5/5/2019, 8:38:20 PM

How do you set input format, output format, and serialization lib for Athena tables?

How do you set input format, output format, and serialization lib for Athena tables?

Search for: How do you set input format, output format, and serialization lib for Athena tables?

satya - 7/13/2019, 2:20:16 PM

More on Athena is found here: local link

More on Athena is found here: local link

satya - 7/13/2019, 2:20:53 PM

what is equivalent to Athena console in Apache or OpenSource?

what is equivalent to Athena console in Apache or OpenSource?

Search for: what is equivalent to Athena console in Apache or OpenSource?

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:08:40 PM

Read about Hive and Hue here

Read about Hive and Hue here

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:17:09 PM

Hive metastore

Hive Metadata is a central repository for storing all the Hive metadata information. Metadata include various types of information like the structure of tables, relations etc.

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:18:17 PM

Hive architecture

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:18:43 PM

So Hive Web Interface can act as a UI to browse hive tables

So Hive Web Interface can act as a UI to browse hive tables

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:21:00 PM

An example of where the metadata is saved

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:21:19 PM

Other supported databases include



MS SQL Server



satya - 7/13/2019, 3:21:46 PM

So what is hue then?

So what is hue then?

Search for: So what is hue then?

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:25:36 PM

Bigdata Hue

Bigdata Hue

Search for: Bigdata Hue

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:26:18 PM


satya - 7/13/2019, 3:27:28 PM

So Bigdata Hue is

it is a web front end for managing a NUMBER of Bigdata tools and services including SQL queries.

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:34:38 PM

How do I browse hive tables in Azure?

How do I browse hive tables in Azure?

Search for: How do I browse hive tables in Azure?

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:36:13 PM

Here is microsoft reference on HIVE

Here is microsoft reference on HIVE

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:37:31 PM

It seems to be viewing HiveView tool

It seems to be viewing HiveView tool

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:37:42 PM

Apache Ambari azure

Apache Ambari azure

Search for: Apache Ambari azure

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:38:16 PM

HiveView may look like this

satya - 7/13/2019, 3:40:14 PM

Presto and Microsoft Azure

Presto and Microsoft Azure

Search for: Presto and Microsoft Azure