Twitter tags and Lambda functions

satya - 5/18/2019, 1:45:19 PM


I want to write an article about reading Victor Hugo. I have read Les Miserables over 6 months. I have quoted many important passages in twitter during that time and have tagged them as #Hugo or #VictorHugo

I want to write an article now titled "Why read Victor Hugo". i want this basically garlanded around those quotes.

I want to write lambda function in aws to gather all these tweets and put them in aws S3 as a document, text, json, and XML.

Perhaps multiple technologies could be used to do this.

satya - 5/18/2019, 1:46:00 PM

How do you weave tweets in an article?

How do you weave tweets in an article?

satya - 5/18/2019, 1:46:20 PM

what about future tweets under that tag?

what about future tweets under that tag?

satya - 5/18/2019, 1:46:51 PM

Can it be absorbed into a Blog page automatically?

Can it be absorbed into a Blog page automatically?